FultonBrowne / Ara-android

A virtual assistant for almost any android phone.
GNU General Public License v3.0
87 stars 23 forks source link

Add to F-Droid #155

Open airon90 opened 4 years ago

airon90 commented 4 years ago

This app is released under GPL3+ so it could be added in F-Droid database of FLOSS Android apps. You can see the status of inclusion here

licaon-kter commented 4 years ago

Everything can be compiled from source or loaded from a FOSS libs maven repo?

The server can be changed or it is hardcoded?

What license is the server under?

Can I host a server?

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

hey @airon90, how would I get started with that?

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

From a quick glance at the build.gradle, I'm afraid the Google Play Location and MS Analytics libraries will be show-stoppers for F-Droid – so this would need a build flavor coming without those. Then there are the questions raised by licaon-kter: for inclusion with F-Droid, it must be entirely FOSS and be covered by a FOSS license (ideally including the server part, though if that's not given it can be dealt with by flagging the app NonFreeNet as long as the app itself meets the requirements).

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft I am pretty sure I can remove google play location, but the analytics is my only way to git info about where translation needs to happen.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@licaon-kter here is the server https://github.com/FultonBrowne/Ara-Server

licaon-kter commented 4 years ago


analytics is my only way to git info about where translation needs to happen.

If that is not FOSS then we can't include it in its current state.

Can't you add a button of sorts so users can "Submit request for language" or something? You need all sorts of data about devices (what data do you extract anyway?) instead of a simple "locale" entry?

The server can be changed in the app or it is hardcoded?

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@licaon-kter I will see what i can do, the server is hard coded but I have been planning to change that before v1.0. I am pretty sure app center analytics Is open source.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago


licaon-kter commented 4 years ago

@FultonBrowne MIT? Nice.

Are the appcenter libs hosted on a trusted (by F-Droid) maven repo? If not we'd need to also build them from source at app build time.

Oh, lest not forget, any keys for that analytics need to be included in the public source code.

Now, is this analytics submission an opt-in or opt-out thing? If Opt-out we'll set a "Tracking" flag for the app.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@licaon-kter It is opt-out but I can change that if needed (note all analytics are totally anonymous even with an ara account) the keys are in the source and it is an a trusted repo https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.microsoft.appcenter/appcenter-distribute/2.5.1

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@licaon-kter I switched to opt-in and got rid of all GMS

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

analytics is my only way to git info about where translation needs to happen.

Could some FOSS analytics package with opt-in be used for that? To name names (without knowing whether the candidate covers that), there's e.g. ACRA which is accepted by F-Droid. With some reservations, Bugsnag would be OK as well IIRC (provided you made sure it's opt-in – which ACRA is by default).

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft I will look in to it, I like the MS one because I can see cloud and analytics stuff all on one site.

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

@FultonBrowne thanks! I understand that. But a) us tin-foils mistrust those cloud analytics (especially from the "big offenders" often named "GAFAM" (Google, Amazon, FB, MS) – and, more importantly, b) those services are in most cases proprietary, including their modules, and thus not accepted by F-Droid (not 100% sure if this applies in this case, but I suspect so).

licaon-kter commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft it's MIT licensed, see the link...might be ok....not sure about its deps though

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@licaon-kter deps??

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Dependencies I guess. Will probably require NonFreeNet. Well, Licaon-kter is one of our packagers, he's got deeper knowledge in what stuff might depend on (or will find out at build time).

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

got it, thanks @IzzySoft

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft @licaon-kter any update or questions?

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

@FultonBrowne the scanner report at the RFP still says "error", and a.o. yields

WARNING: Found JAR file at WolframAlpha-1.1/WolframAlpha-1.1.jar
WARNING: Found JAR file at WolframAlpha-1.1/build/libs/WolframAlpha-1.1.jar
WARNING: Found JAR file at rome-1.0/rome-1.0.jar
ERROR: Found usual suspect 'google.*play.*services' at line 157 at app/build.gradle
ERROR: Found unknown maven repo 'http://dl.bintray.com/jetbrains/spek' at app/build.gradle

Did you do anything about those, so we shall trigger a rescan? As pointed out, we don't "include JARs" (everything needs to be built from source) – and we don't accept proprietary components (here: Google Play Services) or allow "unknown maven repos" (especially not via insecure http).

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft I deleted all of those ( i used then in testing like 6 months ago) I think a re-scan would be great.

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I've triggered the bot, rescan should happen within 24h now.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

thanks @IzzySoft

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Scanner results look promising – no more "error", and the 2 warnings we can safely ignore (a font and an image).

Now, to get things rolling, two more questions:

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft does the file structure need to be present in the tagged location?

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

@FultonBrowne Yes. F-Droid will "stick to the tag". That's what I meant by "have a tag covering the Fastlane data".

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft as of now I can't add the fast line data. my next release (coming very soon) will have fastline.

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

OK, just ping me once it's there then :wink:

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft sorry I am taking a while, I will most likely be ready in a day or 2

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

As we use to say: "be patient. Wait at least 2 weeks before asking again". :smile: All fine, you're well in that limit :grin:

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft I am ready to release, what do I need to do?

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Please make sure versionName in your build.gradle matches the tag name. It currently does not (should be 1.0beta5 in gradle to match the tag name).

Fastlane looks good, so all else should be ready to go. I'd update the RFP once this is fixed.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft I am pretty sure I fixed it

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

@FultonBrowne sorry to disappoint you – not at the most recent tag. You've attempted it at head, but sneaked in a space.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

ok, I think I fixed it and moved the most recent tag up :)

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Nope. The most recent one now has "Beta 5".

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft the tag on tag 1.0beta5 (no v) this is what I am seeing Screenshot from 2020-01-09 12-59-33

licaon-kter commented 4 years ago

You need to have a bit of consistency....tag name vs versionName, lower case, uppercase :)

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft I could wait until the next release ( another week or 2)

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

@FultonBrowne apologies if I might sound a bit annoyed, but I'm losing track here. What @licaon-kter just mentioned, I've already told you 9 days ago. This is always jumping forwards with one leg and backwards on the other – that way we never reach the goal (and this doubt I have for future tags as well). So again, please:

Then we might get somewhere. I'm always willing to help, but I have my limits, too (including limited time :wink:).

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

I understand @IzzySoft this is my first project so I am still learning, I appreciate your patients. I will be VERY careful with versioning names and will ping you on the next version.

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

@FultonBrowne thanks, and no bad feelings. It's just frustrating (for both sides I guess). Keeping my fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft I think we can release now.

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I've setup metadata and tagged the RFP for our packagers. Might take a little; if nothing is happening there within 2 weeks, feel free to ping me again to check.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

thanks @IzzySoft, will do.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

Hey @IzzySoft nothings really happened for a while, there has been no activity for 14 days

licaon-kter commented 4 years ago

Umm https://github.com/microsoft/appcenter-sdk-android/blob/master/build.gradle#L26 so the Microsoft lib is under MIT but depends on Google Services which is not-FOSS? And Push on https://github.com/microsoft/appcenter-sdk-android/blob/master/sdk/appcenter-push/build.gradle#L12 Firebase?

Also builds fine but...wow so many links

https://ara-server.azurewebsites.net/skillsdata/ https://ara-server.azurewebsites.net/store

I'm afraid this is a no go.

Sorry for the late response.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@licaon-kter I do heavily rely on the Microsoft stuff, is there anything I can do? I am planning in the far future to replace that with my own stuff but it will be a while, like maybe a year plus.

FultonBrowne commented 4 years ago

@IzzySoft After working for a little and due to the deprecation of some of the microsoft services I was using, I now have no trackers in my app, this has also resulted in the removal of google services from my app.

IzzySoft commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I've reopened the RFP, adjusted metadata to point to the latest release, and triggered the bot again. Licaon-kter already gave his love to your last comment, so he's aware that things have changed and will hopefully pick up from there again :wink: