FunctionStream / function-stream

Function Stream - Event-streaming function platform based on Apache Pulsar and WebAssembly
Apache License 2.0
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Multiple closes on the same result channle in MemoryQueueFactory #150

Closed wyyolo closed 6 months ago

wyyolo commented 6 months ago

Why put "defer close (result)" inside the goroutine? This may lead to multiple goroutines attempting to close the result, causing panic. Perhaps it can be managed through "sync. WaitGroup", for example:

func (f *MemoryQueueFactory) NewSourceTube(ctx context.Context, configMap ConfigMap) (<-chan Record, error) {  
    config := NewSourceQueueConfig(configMap)  
    result := make(chan Record)  
    var wg sync.WaitGroup  
    for _, topic := range config.Topics {  
        t := topic  
        go func() {  

        go func() {  
            defer wg.Done()   
            c := f.getOrCreateChan(t)  
            for {  
                select {  
                case <-ctx.Done():  
                case event := <-c:  
                    result <- event   

    go func() {  

    return result, nil  
RobertIndie commented 6 months ago

Thanks for reporting. This should be a bug. Using WaitGroup looks good to me.

Would you like to fix this issue?

wyyolo commented 6 months ago

Of course, I will fix this bug.