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Job: Mid-Senior Research Engineer | Haskell | Computer Security | Boulder (or other U.S. locations) | Full Time #3

Closed drone29a closed 4 years ago

drone29a commented 4 years ago

Kudu is looking for someone to join my small research team in Boulder, CO. We’re working on automated vulnerability discovery and would like to both further our static analysis framework and use its results to perform program fuzzing. The goal for fuzzing, for at least some kinds of targets, is to automate harness generation and program state initialization to test single functions or sets of related functions. On the static analysis side, we are focusing on path-sensitive analysis and working on a type checker for program binaries and lifting program disassembly to a high-level, functional language representation.

We’re a polyglot team and try to use the best tools for the job; for our problem domain that’s often Haskell. We currently have Haskell, Clojure, and Python in the mix and we’ll likely add one of C, C++, or Rust in the near future as part of the fuzzing work. All current static analysis work is being done with Haskell. The dynamic analysis work may require some use of a lower-level language, but the orchestration, input generation, and other work should be possible in Haskell as well. In other words, both positions involve building software that will be/can be primarily implemented with Haskell. Our new team member will help make that decision. And fear not about the Python, it’s there only for interop with external components and isolated from the rest of our project. =)

A few constraints:

We will only be hiring one person, but they can choose to either focus on dynamic analysis or (static) program analysis. The job postings list Washington, DC as the location, but as stated earlier you can work from any of Kudu’s office locations. The current team members are in Boulder, CO.

The job postings have more information and are available here:

drone29a commented 4 years ago

This position has been filled. Though if you happen to see this posting and are interested in this sort of work, please get in touch at: drone [at symbol] kududyn (a single dot) com.