Remove the gray background around the trashcan button.
Change it so that it goes out of delete mode after one deletion.
When there is no fund, the button should say "Add a new fund" instead of "Add a new portfolio".
I think the add fund button should be moved to center, since the right side kind of cover up the prices and right now the center isn't showing anything important.
Change the arrow in the comparison view to the word "for", or might even be the word "for" inside an arrow.
Some bottom margin for the card view. Right now, when scrolled all the way to the bottom, the last card sticks to the very bottom of the screen which is slightly ugly.
Colors for the Underweight / Overweight indicator
Make the fund suggestions in the add fund dialog a little bigger so that it is easier to click.
A confirmation button when editing portfolio name. Right now, after entering a new portfolio name, the only way to exit edit mode is pressing "Done" button on the keyboard or close the keyboard.