FunkFrog / ShareSuite

Risk of Rain 2 Item, Money, & Equipment sharing mod build upon BepInEx
GNU General Public License v3.0
39 stars 27 forks source link

Money Sharing Value still used when in singleplayer, de-syncs from actual money value. #164

Closed Ghost31Elite closed 2 years ago

Ghost31Elite commented 2 years ago

Installed Mods bep hook gen skip intro r2api sharesuit

Describe the bug No matter what i do i can't open a chest or use a shrine but something like a blood shrine i can, even deleted config and used new one without changing anything in it

Expected behavior Should be able to buy things

Dave247 commented 2 years ago

Was about to report this myself. I was watching and looked through the console logs as I have been keeping an eye on and checking it each time I add a new mod to see if it will work, though I couldn't see anything obvious so I wouldn't know where to start looking. I tried disabling the shared money as that's the one thing I could think of but it didn't make a difference.

Also, is the mod supposed to be active in single player? As the problem was happening there too, and I double checked the debug force multiplayer parameter was set to false.

I've included the console log and config file just in case.

LogOutput.log ``` [Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2 (2/03/2022 6:27:42 PM) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.26.14694700 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Info : BepInEx] 3 patcher plugins loaded [Message:BepInEx.GUI.Patcher] Finding and launching GUI [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [RoR2] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info : BepInEx] 3 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 4.0.11] [Debug : R2API] ArtifactCodeAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DamageAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DeployableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DifficultyAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DirectorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DotAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EliteAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] InteractablesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ItemAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LobbyConfigAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] OrbAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] PrefabAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] RecalculateStatsAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SceneAssetAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] TempVisualEffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] UnlockableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] NetworkingAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: CommandHelper [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ILLine [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: R2APIContentManager [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Console.InitConVars [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ContentManagement.ContentManager.SetContentPacks [Debug : R2API] CommandHelper has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ILLine has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] R2APIContentManager has no static method registered for Load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ShareSuite 2.6] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.BossGroup.DropRewards [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.PlaceTeleporter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.Artifacts.SacrificeArtifactManager.OnPrePopulateSceneServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetExpAdjustedDropChancePercent [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.SceneDirector.Start [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.BarrelInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.MoneyPickup.OnTriggerStay [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.SceneExitController.Begin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: EntityStates.GoldGat.GoldGatFire.FireBullet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.Networking.NetworkManagerSystem.OnClientConnect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.Networking.NetworkManagerSystem.OnClientDisconnect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.OnInteractionBegin [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.ShopTerminalBehavior.DropPickup [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.AttemptGrant [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: EntityStates.ScavBackpack.Opening.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.Chat+PlayerPickupChatMessage.ConstructChatString [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: EntityStates.Scrapper.ScrappingToIdle.OnEnter [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.ArenaMissionController.EndRound [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.ArenaMissionController.EndRound [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerWaveController.DropRewards [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerWaveController.DropRewards [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.AttemptGrant [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.GenericPickupController.SendPickupMessage [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ShareSuite.dll for: RoR2.Chat.SendPlayerConnectedMessage [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RoR2BepInExPack 1.0.0] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RoR2BepInExPack.dll for: RoR2.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RoR2BepInExPack.dll for: RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete [Info : Unity Log] buildId = [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2019.2.12 Build 7544. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Setting Plugin DLL path to: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Risk of Rain 2/Risk of Rain 2_Data\Plugins\x86_64 [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2 [Info : Unity Log] application data path isF:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Risk of Rain 2/Risk of Rain 2_Data [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64 [Info : Unity Log] PlatformSystems:InitNetworkManagerSystem [Info : Unity Log] Launch Parameters: arg[0]="F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe" arg[1]="--doorstop-enable" arg[2]="true" arg[3]="--doorstop-target" arg[4]="C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles\Default\BepInEx\core\BepInEx.Preloader.dll" [Info : Unity Log] "usesocialiconflag" is not a recognized ConCommand or ConVar. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded archived convars. [Info : R2API] Generating a total of 0 ContentPacks... [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Items.SummonedEcho: Asset "SummonedEcho" not found. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Equipment.AffixEcho: Asset "EliteEchoEquipment" not found. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Buffs.AffixEcho: Asset "bdEliteEcho" not found. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Elites.Echo: Asset "edEcho" not found. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Buffs.Deafened: Asset "bdDeafened" not found. [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end [Warning: Unity Log] Could not find scene with name "loadingbasic". [Warning: Unity Log] Could not find scene with name "title". [Info : Unity Log] Command "set_scene" failed: "title" is not a valid scene. [Info : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 20329ms. [Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en" [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Stats.StatSheet] init stat sheet [Error : Unity Log] [RoR2.Items.BaseItemBodyBehavior] RoR2.Items.SummonedEchoBodyBehavior.GetItemDef returned null. [Info : Unity Log] SystemInitializerAttribute infinite loop detected. currentMethod=RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookControllerInit [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/fef6d843-5c9a-4ee8-8cad-6c589b75c3c5.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=201372 [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to splash [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] BaseMainMenuScreen: OnEnter() [Info : Unity Log] NetworkManagerSystem.desiredHost={ hostType=Self listen=False maxPlayers=4 } [Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'ArenaMissionController' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object. [Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'Moon2DropshipZone' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object. [Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'HOLDER_ Gauntlets' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object. [Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'VoidCamp' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene title [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to lobby [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0 [Info : Unity Log] NetworkManagerSystem.AddPlayerInternal(conn=hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0, playerControllerId=0, extraMessageReader=NetBuf sz:259 pos:259 [Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby loadedScenes=lobby [Error : Unity Log] A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one. [Info : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting. [Info : Unity Log] subscribed [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/server_pregame.cfg: Could not find file "F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\server_pregame.cfg" [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to generate PreGameVoteController for [ZSU] Dave247 [Info : Unity Log] PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer() [Info : Unity Log] Received vote from [ZSU] Dave247 [Info : Unity Log] Accepting vote from [ZSU] Dave247 [Info : Unity Log] [ZSU] Dave247 connected. [Info : Unity Log] PickupDropTable 'dtDoppelganger' has been loaded after the Run started. This might be an issue with asset duplication across bundles, or it might be fine. Regenerating... [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene lobby [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to golemplains [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene golemplains loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=golemplains loadedScenes=golemplains [Info : Unity Log] Client ready. [Info : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting. [Info : Unity Log] Spending 220 credits on interactables... [Info : Unity Log] MAP_GOLEMPLAINS_TITLE [Info : Unity Log] reorder list [Error : Unity Log] Object PodGroundImpact(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) should not be instantiated by means other than EffectManager.SpawnEffect. This WILL result in an NRE!!! Use EffectManager.SpawnEffect or don't use EffectComponent!!!!! [Info : Unity Log] Ping target LunarChest(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) [Info : Unity Log] [ZSU] Dave247 has found: Lunar Pod ( 1). [Warning: Unity Log] Animator.GotoState: State could not be found [Warning: Unity Log] Invalid Layer Index '-1' [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnInteractionBegin (RoR2.Interactor interactor, RoR2.IInteractable interactable, UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_021A) RoR2.Interactor.PerformInteraction (UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_0049) RoR2.Interactor.AttemptInteraction (UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_0007) RoR2.InteractionDriver.FixedUpdate () (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_00A0) [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnInteractionBegin (RoR2.Interactor interactor, RoR2.IInteractable interactable, UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_021A) RoR2.Interactor.PerformInteraction (UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_0049) RoR2.Interactor.AttemptInteraction (UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_0007) RoR2.InteractionDriver.FixedUpdate () (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_00A0) [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnInteractionBegin (RoR2.Interactor interactor, RoR2.IInteractable interactable, UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_021A) RoR2.Interactor.PerformInteraction (UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_0049) RoR2.Interactor.AttemptInteraction (UnityEngine.GameObject interactableObject) (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_0007) RoR2.InteractionDriver.FixedUpdate () (at <9cd64984fa244ad6be9ff1fde41ed978>:IL_00A0) [Warning: Unity Log] Animator.GotoState: State could not be found [Warning: Unity Log] Invalid Layer Index '-1' [Info : Unity Log] Ping target Chest1(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) [Info : Unity Log] [ZSU] Dave247 has found: Chest ($25). ```
com.funkfrog_sipondo.sharesuite.cfg ``` ## Settings file was created by plugin ShareSuite v2.6 ## Plugin GUID: com.funkfrog_sipondo.sharesuite [Balance] ## Changes the way shared equipment handles blacklisted equipment. If true, blacklisted equipment will be dropped on the ground once a new equipment is shared. If false, blacklisted equipment is left untouched when new equipment is shared. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false DropBlacklistedEquipmentOnShare = false ## When enabled each player (except the player who picked up the item) will get a randomized item of the same rarity. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false RandomizeSharedPickups = false ## Toggles randomizing Lunar items in RandomizeSharedPickups mode. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true LunarItemsRandomized = true ## Toggles randomizing Boss items in RandomizeSharedPickups mode. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false BossItemsRandomized = false ## Toggles randomizing Void items in RandomizeSharedPickups mode. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false VoidItemsRandomized = false ## Toggles 3D printer and Cauldron item dupe fix by giving the item directly instead of dropping it on the ground. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true PrinterCauldronFix = true ## Toggles whether or not dead players should get copies of picked up items. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false DeadPlayersGetItems = true ## Toggles override of the scalar of interactables (chests, shrines, etc) that spawn in the world to your configured credit. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true OverridePlayerScaling = true ## If player scaling via this mod is enabled, the amount of players the game should think are playing in terms of chest spawns. # Setting type: Double # Default value: 1 InteractablesCredit = 1 ## If player scaling via this mod is enabled, the offset from base scaling for interactables credit (e.g. 100 would add 100 interactables credit (not 100 interactables), can also be negative). # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 0 InteractablesOffset = 0 ## Toggles override of the scalar of boss loot drops to your configured balance. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true OverrideBossLootScaling = true ## Specifies the amount of boss items dropped when the boss drop override is true. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 1 BossLootCredit = 1 ## Toggles override of the scalar of Void Field loot drops to your configured balance. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true OverrideVoidLootScaling = true ## Toggles override of the scalar of Simulacrum loot drops to your configured balance. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true OverrideSimulacrumLootScaling = true ## Specifies the amount of items dropped from completed Void Fields when the Void Field scaling override is true. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 1 VoidFieldLootCredit = 1 ## Specifies the amount of items dropped after each Simulacrum round when the Simulacrum scaling override is true. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 1 SimulacrumLootCredit = 1 ## Toggles the reduction in sacrifice loot drops to be balanced with shared items enabled. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true SacrificeFixEnabled = true [Debug] ## Forces ShareSuite to think that the game is running in a multiplayer instance. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false OverrideMultiplayerCheck = false ## Keeps track of the last mod version that sent you a message. Prevents spam, don't touch. # Setting type: String # Default value: none LastMessageSent = 2.6 [Settings] ## Toggles whether or not the mod is enabled. If turned off while in-game, it will unhook everything and reset the game to it's default behaviors. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true ModEnabled = true ## Toggles money sharing between teammates. Every player gains money together and spends it from one central pool of money. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true MoneyShared = true ## Toggles item sharing for common (white color) items. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true WhiteItemsShared = true ## Toggles item sharing for rare (green color) items. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true GreenItemsShared = true ## Toggles item sharing for legendary (red color) items. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true RedItemsShared = true ## Toggles item sharing for equipment. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false EquipmentShared = false ## Toggles item sharing for Lunar (blue color) items. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false LunarItemsShared = false ## Toggles item sharing for boss (yellow color) items. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true BossItemsShared = true ## Toggles item sharing for void (purple/corrupted) items. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false VoidItemsShared = false ## Toggles detailed item pickup messages with information on who picked the item up and who all received the item. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true RichMessagesEnabled = true ## Toggles the money scalar, set MoneyScalar to an amount to fine-tune the amount of gold you recieve. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false MoneyScalarEnabled = false ## Modifies player count used in calculations of gold earned when money sharing is on. # Setting type: Double # Default value: 1 MoneyScalar = 1 ## Items (by internal name) that you do not want to share, comma separated. Please find the item "Code Names" at: # Setting type: String # Default value: BeetleGland,TreasureCache,TitanGoldDuringTP,TPHealingNova,ArtifactKey ItemBlacklist = BeetleGland,TreasureCache,TitanGoldDuringTP,TPHealingNova,ArtifactKey ## Equipment (by internal name) that you do not want to share, comma separated. Please find the "Code Names"s at: # Setting type: String # Default value: EquipmentBlacklist = ```
Sipondo commented 2 years ago

That it's active in single player is a critical piece of info for us. Indeed it shouldn't affect single player (shouldn't be there at all) so something funny is going on.

Dave247 commented 2 years ago

One crucial piece of info I realised I forgot to mention is that the entire time I've been testing this solo, while switching between singleplayer and multiplayer. I just tried launching the game with setting OverrideMultiplayerCheck to true then everything started working perfectly!

It definitely seems like the mod is interfering in singeplayer/solo play when it shouldn't, so for the time being the current workaround would be to either disable the mod when playing alone or to force the mod to always be enabled.

Jacobfaib commented 2 years ago

I've had something similar as well but only on stage 1 where you start with 15 gold (maybe this happens elsewhere if you start with gold but haven't tested). I've found that you simply can't spend the initial 15 gold. So if a chest costs 25, then you are able to buy it when you have 40 gold but not before. Stage 2 everything works again as normal

Dave247 commented 2 years ago

I've had something similar as well but only on stage 1 where you start with 15 gold (maybe this happens elsewhere if you start with gold but haven't tested). I've found that you simply can't spend the initial 15 gold. So if a chest costs 25, then you are able to buy it when you have 40 gold but not before. Stage 2 everything works again as normal

I noticed that as well where I was starting with gold that I wasn't sure if I was supposed to have or not, though again this was playing solo. As soon as I forced the mod into multiplayer mode it had me starting at 0 gold.

FunkFrog commented 2 years ago

Theoretically will be resolved in 2.6.1