FunkinCrew / Funkin

A rhythm game made with HaxeFlixel
2.92k stars 2.26k forks source link

fnf has a bug #1741

Closed OKTHENSOFNF closed 4 months ago

OKTHENSOFNF commented 3 years ago

where if you umm well drag the tab and hold the game does not move

Cheemsandfriends commented 3 years ago

Be more specific

s-zenmode commented 3 years ago

im pretty sure thats a common occurrance with html5 games where if you unfocus it will probably autopause for your convenience and due to constraints with html5

cuckydev commented 3 years ago

this happens in every windows application ever

kinoko87 commented 2 years ago how most programs work when you drag them.

Andreas010 commented 2 years ago

lmao, this is intentionall, to save memory. This is a feature most programs do. Moving/Dragging the Window is the same as not having it focused. It's the same system, as if you just open another program, while FNF is running. You can't change that and it's NOT a bug

Have a great day everyone

Also please, when making another issue, write your problem into the Title like "FNF is freezing when I drag the window", not "FNF has a bug"

HTV04 commented 2 years ago

Pretty sure this has something to do with SDL, so this can't be fixed.

Edit: This is also Windows-specific. Other platforms do not have this issue.

runkanrenchu commented 2 years ago

Pausing when out-of-focus is a HaxeFlixel thing. Not from FNF, but an option the engine has, as to save memory and also allow testing in release mode without pauses.