FunkinCrew / Funkin

A rhythm game made with HaxeFlixel
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Compiling help: Game crashes when opening it #2106

Closed biomseed closed 4 months ago

biomseed commented 1 year ago

Please check for duplicates or similar compiler issues by filtering for 'compiler help'

Please describe your issue. Provide extensive detail and images if possible.

The game crashes when opening the game, no crash log or error message in the terminal, nothing.

biomseed commented 1 year ago

Update: When I run it with the debug configuration, it says "Null Object Reference" and says this in terminal: C:/Users/bioms/.vscode/extensions/vshaxe.hxcpp-debugger-1.2.4/hxcpp-debug-server/./hxcpp/debug/jsonrpc/Server.hx:86: Debug Server Started: C:/Users/bioms/.vscode/extensions/vshaxe.hxcpp-debugger-1.2.4/hxcpp-debug-server/./hxcpp/debug/jsonrpc/Server.hx:592: Failed to connect to vsc debugger server at Called from hxcpp::__hxcpp_main Called from ApplicationMain::main ApplicationMain.hx line 26 Called from ApplicationMain::create ApplicationMain.hx line 135 Called from lime/app/Application.hx line 150 Called from lime._internal.backend.native.NativeApplication::exec lime/_internal/backend/native/NativeApplication.hx line 146 Called from lime._internal.backend.native.NativeApplication::handleApplicationEvent lime/_internal/backend/native/NativeApplication.hx line 175 Called from lime/_internal/macros/EventMacro.hx line 91 Called from lime.system.ThreadPool::__update lime/system/ThreadPool.hx line 199 Called from lime/_internal/macros/EventMacro.hx line 91 Called from lime._internal.backend.native.NativeHTTPRequest::localThreadPool_onComplete lime/_internal/backend/native/NativeHTTPRequest.hx line 450 Called from lime/app/Promise.hx line 108 Called from lime/net/HTTPRequest.hx line 114 Called from lime/app/Promise.hx line 108 Called from lime/app/Future.hx line 282 Called from lime/app/Future.hx line 127 Called from lime/app/Promise.hx line 108 Called from lime.utils.Assets::loadLibrary lime/utils/Assets.hx line 476 Called from lime/app/Promise.hx line 126 Called from lime/app/Future.hx line 127 Called from lime/app/Promise.hx line 108 Called from lime.utils.Preloader::updateProgress lime/utils/Preloader.hx line 289 Called from lime.utils.Preloader::loadedAssetLibrary lime/utils/Preloader.hx line 204 Called from lime.utils.Preloader::updateProgress lime/utils/Preloader.hx line 309 Called from lime.utils.Preloader::start lime/utils/Preloader.hx line 220 Called from lime/_internal/macros/EventMacro.hx line 91 Called from ApplicationMain::create ApplicationMain.hx line 116 Called from openfl.display.Preloader::start openfl/display/Preloader.hx line 61 Called from lime/_internal/macros/EventMacro.hx line 91 Called from ApplicationMain::create ApplicationMain.hx line 119 Called from ApplicationMain::start ApplicationMain.hx line 169 Called from Main::main Main.hx line 36 Called from openfl.display.DisplayObjectContainer::addChild openfl/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 155 Called from openfl.display.DisplayObjectContainer::addChildAt openfl/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 267 Called from openfl.display.DisplayObject::__dispatchWithCapture openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx line 1478 Called from openfl.display.DisplayObject::__dispatchEvent openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx line 1417 Called from openfl/events/EventDispatcher.hx line 402 Called from Main::init Main.hx line 60 Called from Main::setupGame Main.hx line 87 Called from openfl.display.DisplayObjectContainer::addChild openfl/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 155 Called from openfl.display.DisplayObjectContainer::addChildAt openfl/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 267 Called from openfl.display.DisplayObject::__dispatchWithCapture openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx line 1478 Called from openfl.display.DisplayObject::__dispatchEvent openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx line 1417 Called from openfl/events/EventDispatcher.hx line 402 Called from flixel.FlxGame::create flixel/FlxGame.hx line 360 Called from flixel.FlxGame::switchState flixel/FlxGame.hx line 637 Called from TitleState::create TitleState.hx line 73 Called from polymod.Polymod::init polymod/Polymod.hx line 252 Called from polymod.backends.PolymodAssets::init polymod/backends/PolymodAssets.hx line 133 Called from polymod.backends.LimeBackend::init polymod/backends/LimeBackend.hx line 127 Critical Error: Uncatchable Throw: Null Object Reference

biomseed commented 1 year ago

Help ninjamuffin your thing is broken

TheRealJake12 commented 1 year ago

update polymod. I help so many people who blame the repo owners when its the user who doesnt have updated libraries.

biomseed commented 1 year ago

update polymod. I help so many people who blame the repo owners when its the user who doesnt have updated libraries.


biomseed commented 1 year ago

i changed polymod version to git, and it didn't work and threw an error. the polymod version i used previously was 1.3.1, which is the one you are supposed to use

TmixRPG commented 1 year ago

same problem for me

biomseed commented 1 year ago

Alright, now i'm getting somewhere, the git version of polymod is outdated so you install the haxelib version, `haxelib install polymod', and now i get this


Username2120 commented 1 year ago

for this i commented out that line to fix it. also make sure your hscript is up to date.

biomseed commented 1 year ago


TheRealJake12 commented 1 year ago

ok actually, dont comment out the polymod scan. Just remove the MOD_ROOT and itll fix that. I'll send my own version that fixes these things.