FunkinCrew / Funkin

A rhythm game made with HaxeFlixel
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Bug Report: Visual/Audio Offset causes weirdness with chart and song start time #3039

Open Squiddu opened 4 months ago

Squiddu commented 4 months ago

Issue Checklist

What platform are you using? (Downloadable Build) - Windows

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Context (Provide images, videos, etc.)

After making adjustments to the Visual Offset in the settings, song charts will scroll up as if they were never set and then "jump" to the correct visual offset when the song's chart starts. Song itself will "jump" to match the note, starting it prematurely.

Steps to reproduce (or crash logs, errors, etc.)

Go into Options > Visual Offsets Set Visual Offset to something like +100ms Play Eggnog Erect since it's one of the only charts in-game that has a player note at the very start Note should unreasonably jump to streamline

Squiddu commented 3 months ago

Bumping this with two new things to add:

  1. I can confirm that only the Visual Offset seems to cause the audio and chart jump. Input still is slightly funky but it's Visual that's the problem.

  2. Changing the Input Offset causes the notes with short holds to, when hit, completely remove the hold. Hitting only the hold part does not get rid of it. Since this has also come up I think I can rename the issue.

Edit: 2 actually depends on the scroll speed. When testing using Tutorial as a lab rat, I can visibly see the note hold get shorter when I hit it, but it disappears on Eggnog Erect due to the high scroll speed.

Squiddu commented 3 months ago

For extra clarification, using a test Visual Offset of 100ms like I did should make the song start prematurely, before the beat after the Go! soundbite completes. Also, this works on every song, but Eggnog Erect is just the most notable. I can only assume it only applies offset when the chart starts, but it also confuses me as to why changing the VISUAL Offset also messes with the audio like this.

Nor do I understand the note trail weirdness with the Input Offset setting. Either way this is incredibly disorienting and should be fixed relatively quick if we want people to actually use these settings.

Squiddu commented 2 months ago

Bumping this up, as all these issues still exist in 0.5.0, including a new bug where occasionally, starting off a song with visual and input offset will make the song and chart "jump" every beat.. I haven't been able to gather much, but it does seem to at least partially be songs starting earlier than they should.

Squiddu commented 1 month ago

whatever that stuttering issue that some people are having is.. yep that's happened to me too. oh my god fix the gosh darn offsets!!!