Funwayguy / BetterQuesting

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i made a time scoreboard track time but the book adds a dummy #683

Open dinidini4000 opened 4 years ago

dinidini4000 commented 4 years ago

scoreboard objectives add timeplayed stat.playOneMinute

i got this into a command reward as the first quest reward but the book auto makes dummys for all scoreboards used in tasks so it never has time to add this one and i cant change the "dummy" setting in the reward nor does it matter as its my other quest that uses that scoreboard that auto adds it as dummy

and i cant simple make it remove the scoredboard then readd it as that will basicly stop any and all multiplayer function

is there a way to fix this like a better way to set it up

Funwayguy commented 4 years ago

The scoreboard task type can be set under the advanced properties.

dinidini4000 commented 4 years ago

i found that now yeah but do i really have to set all quests that use the same scoreboard to this it seems kinda backwards as you cant have 2 scoreboards with the same name

can we get somewhere to put what scoreboards we want and not have to set this inside a nest of settings in all quests for the same scoreboard as scoreboards are a global thing and not per quest

Funwayguy commented 4 years ago

Scoreboard tasks will use existing scoreboards if available and only create new ones if there is no existing one. So short answer is yes you will need to tell the tasks what scoreboard type they should expect to find and how it should create it otherwise.