Funwayguy / OreExcavation

Ore Excavation issue tracker
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1.19 How do I set it to Sneak instead of Excavate Key, and how do I make a profile with 3x4x1? #71

Open Lion4K opened 1 year ago

Lion4K commented 1 year ago

When I change the activation to SNEAK it won't save.

Funwayguy commented 1 year ago

That config screen was horrendously broken but has been fixed as of version 1.11.166 released today.

You can use the shape editor and left/right click the stone blocks to toggle various shapes and designs as long as it fits within a 5x5x5 space. You can use the +/- buttons to add/remove designs as you please. These are saved client side so you can test them in single player and they will carry over to servers you play on.