Funwayguy / RealisticItemDrops

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Dupe bug #21

Open Sunekaer opened 5 years ago

Sunekaer commented 5 years ago


The newest version you just released to fix the /give dupe bug is causing OreExcavation to dupe items

Funwayguy commented 5 years ago

grumble grumble stupid edge cases grumble

Funny thing is, I dev both these mods so thankfully it's as easy as comparing event checks. Seems I missed one validation check in RID and two in OE. Guess this means I have 2 mod updates worth of work to fix this completely >_>

Funwayguy commented 5 years ago

Uploaded a new 1.2.14 build that should fix RiD's side of the bug. May not need to update OE but just to be on the safe side I'll double check all the validations checks there are sufficient with this new build.