Furgl / AutoPickup

A Minecraft mod by Furgl
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link

1.12.2 tinkers construct lumberaxe and ore excavation problem ??? #9

Open mcdodge34 opened 6 years ago

mcdodge34 commented 6 years ago

Ok, I seem to have a very annoying issue after manually testing it with your mod in my pack, when I manually chop down a giant spruce tree, I get up to 3 stacks of wood, when I use the TiCon Lumberaxe or Ore Excavation to go quicker, I rarely get more than 1 stack and half and most of the times, not even a full stack, usually 49 to 53 wood on the same height spruce tree, its like some wood vanish instead of getting auto picked up by your mod. I'll do some testings tonight (GMT-5) without the auto-pickup mod to confirm its the real deal, but for now, I wanted to report this here.