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[feature request] Enable confirmation of privilege escalation requests by fingerprint #3

Open psimovec opened 1 week ago

psimovec commented 1 week ago

It would be nice to be able to just use fingerprint for sudo or other privilege escalation requests. For example popup when enabling/disabling some options in settings, like NFC.

FakeShell commented 1 week ago

This is possible, i have done it myself, infact i have written a pam plugin for fingerprint too (which should be done from scratch, its not very pretty) I can look into writing a guide for usage soon

psimovec commented 1 week ago

yeah, I just preffered not to mess with pam myself on the phone, as I could lock myself out of the system and I don't know how I'd fix that :D

FakeShell commented 1 week ago

sudo apt install libpam-fpd droidian-fpd-identify -y

and the content of /etc/pam.d/sudo will be

session    required   pam_limits.so

auth    sufficient       pam_fpd.so
account required        pam_permit.so

@include common-account
@include common-session-noninteractive

@include common-auth

make sure to have a root shell ready in case of an emergency pop ups in applications are not as easy, they use polkit and polkit has to be forked to add support for fingerprint

psimovec commented 1 week ago
sudo apt install libpam-fpd droidian-fpd-identify -y
Error: Unable to locate package droidian-fpd-identify

I can't install droidian-fpd-identify, perhaps I need to add some extra repo?

psimovec commented 1 week ago

Weird, afaik I didn't change anything but unlocking phone with my fingerprint stopped working. I tried to test the fingerprint again in settings and it is recognized.

Edit: it works again for some reason, before that even reboot of device didn't help

FakeShell commented 1 week ago
sudo apt install libpam-fpd droidian-fpd-identify -y
Error: Unable to locate package droidian-fpd-identify

I can't install droidian-fpd-identify, perhaps I need to add some extra repo?

ah my bad you can just install libpam-fpd and it should be enough I forgot i merged identify into the preinstalled fpd-client a few months ago