Furkanzmc / zettelkasten.nvim

A Vim Philosophy Oriented Zettelkasten Note Taking Plugin
The Unlicense
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fix: generate valid filenames for non-Linux systems #1

Closed ggandor closed 2 years ago

ggandor commented 2 years ago

Very nice plugin! Is this alternative pattern OK? Also, the K functionality seems not to work after the fix, and I cannot find the reason. Is there anything else that needs to be modified?

Furkanzmc commented 2 years ago

Thank you!

The current format works on macOS (I'm on macOS) but I admit I was not thinking about the other platforms. It makes sense to switch to something that is supported on all platforms, I don't think a conditional good here since you want your notes to work anywhere.

Is there anything else that needs to be modified?

The changes you have should work. They are used in all the relevant functions. But I can check it out after you remove the conditional if it's still not working.

Thanks for bringing this up, I would not have realized this otherwise.

ggandor commented 2 years ago

I don't think a conditional good here since you want your notes to work anywhere.

Absolutely right, that slipped my mind.