Furkanzmc / zettelkasten.nvim

A Vim Philosophy Oriented Zettelkasten Note Taking Plugin
The Unlicense
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:ZkBrowse returns error 'Table index is nil' #30

Closed krlhBlupine closed 7 months ago

krlhBlupine commented 8 months ago


Here's the stacktrace- sorry about the format, I couldn't figure out how to get the plaintext.

Here's the zettel section from my lazy.nvim config:

    name = 'zettelkasten',
    cmd = {'ZkNew', 'ZkBrowse'},
    config = function()
          id_format = '%Y%m%d%H%M',
          filename_pattern = '%d+',
          title_pattern = 'aliases: .+',
          notes_path = './',

I'm using AstroNvim, if that helps you at all. I've tried to doublecheck that this isn't a user error, I'm really unfamiliar with Lua regex, but there's definitely the possibility that I've just done something stupid.

krlhBlupine commented 7 months ago

It was user error, I had a permissions bug elsewhere in the OS.