Furkanzmc / zettelkasten.nvim

A Vim Philosophy Oriented Zettelkasten Note Taking Plugin
The Unlicense
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Feature Request: add reference to a note #7

Closed gkielian closed 2 years ago

gkielian commented 2 years ago

Enjoying the plugin! Trying to find a way to add the link to an existing note (tried looking in the .txt, wiki and help, might have missed it...)


Furkanzmc commented 2 years ago


You can add a reference to an existing note by wrapping the file name in double angle brackets, e.g: [[my existing note]]. If you created a note using :ZkNew, then you can add a note by wrapping the note id in double angle brackets, e.g: [[2022-02-27-06-05-03]]. You can also use :help i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U to get a completion list of available notes to refer to.

I hope that answers the question.

EDIT: I also updated the help file with this information as well.