Furry / 2captcha

A wrapper around the 2captcha api
71 stars 23 forks source link

Feat #30, Added progress bar feature #31

Closed NabiKAZ closed 2 years ago

NabiKAZ commented 2 years ago

More information here: https://github.com/Furry/2captcha/issues/30

Furry commented 2 years ago

Little late for the reply on this, I apologize. I didn't think this feature was in the scope of the initial project, as it didn't quite fit in with the current code base & I'm not too keen on adding new features to the current version either, as it's made with patch work.

That being said, https://github.com/Furry/2captcha/tree/next contains the rewrite of this project (as 2captcha has added tons of new features since I wrote this library 2 years ago that I haven't taken advantage of). The new version is using updated Node-Fetch, and is ESM only, most new features will be in that branch, and the main branch will just be maintained to insure it doesn't break. I did like the idea of a progress bar, so in the new version of the library I added a function that allows you to get a list of all outstanding captchas, which contains information regarding their creation time, & how many times they've been polled! An example of it working is here,


Using that new method (in the new incomplete next branch), a progress bar will be super easy to implement on your side.