FuryFight3r / ScrappingSimulator

A Repository for DefectGamings Scrapping Simulator
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[Bug]: New beaker bug #165

Open aus2004 opened 2 months ago

aus2004 commented 2 months ago

Have you tried Reloading?


(If 'Yes') what was the outcome after Reloading?

Returned to Normal, But was able to reproduce the Bug again

How is the Decimal Number Symbol normally Displayed to you In-Game?

v0.35.6 & $45.75 (Dot Point)

Describe the Bug

i'm not sure if this is a save issue or a game bug, but when using the pump after putting raw materials in, if the solution is not ready, completely breaks the beaker. It becomes impossible to use.

This technically does not fix itself by reloading, but it becomes less broken. Reset_beaker does not fix this until after reload.

The piece of salvage is lost of course.

EDIT: upon further inspection, this bug appears to cause the beaker to go through all 3 stages with each subsequent press of the pump.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Place either gold or silver in the beaker.
  2. Try to use the pump with nothing else in the beaker



Player Logs

this is probably not needed for this

Do you feel the Bug can be fixed given the information you've provided?


FuryFight3r commented 2 months ago

Hi there @aus2004 thank you for reporting this bug, I should be able to have this fixed in the next update also 👍

aus2004 commented 2 months ago

I have updated this with the video and some extra info on the bug.

FuryFight3r commented 2 months ago

I also have to ask, is there a reason your first report says you see decimals as a Dot Point but later reports say that you see them as a Comma? Was this an oversight in your report(s) or had you changed system language after your first report?

I only ask as it is known that users that see Commas as the decimal unit are facing a lot more issues, errors and bugs compared to Languages/Users that use Dot Points.

Ideally solving the Comma Bug at its core is the top priority rather than wasting time fixing/patching all the bugs that are produced by the Comma Bug, fixing the root Comma Bug itself will subsequently stop all cascading bugs that follow.

In other words, if your seeing Dot Points, your experience should match exactly what I experience during my play testing, however if you see Commas then all bets are off and your game/save WILL become broken at some point due to this issue.

If you do see Decimals as Commas I'd love to be able to pick your brain to learn more about this issue and hopefully come up with some sort of solution and patch at long last.

Unfortunately all previous reports from Users that use Commas instead of Dot Points have been incredibly hard to get back in touch with, in regards to Logs or more details on the bug they have experienced, so these types of Bugs are just considered unsolvable until I can get some more Intel of why it's actually happening.

Vain0009 commented 2 months ago

Hi guys, Having same problem here, please find attached files.


aus2004 commented 2 months ago

it was a mistake in my reports. sorry about that. when i originally made this report i was incredibly tired and probably not reading. As for the other one i was probably not paying any attention. I have since corrected this issue, if you look at the images you can clearly see they are dots.

This bug does fascinate me though. I find it interesting that all it takes is a localization problem to completely break a save.

FuryFight3r commented 2 months ago

Hi guys, Having same problem here, please find attached files.

Thank you for that, though this Zip only contains your Save File not the Player Logs, any chance you could provide the Logs? Save Files are more for Save Specific Bugs and Logs are for basically everything else (including Save Specific Bugs also)

it was a mistake in my reports. sorry about that. when i originally made this report i was incredibly tired and probably not reading. As for the other one i was probably not paying any attention. I have since corrected this issue, if you look at the images you can clearly see they are dots.

This bug does fascinate me though. I find it interesting that all it takes is a localization problem to completely break a save. all good, I had assumed you were on the Dot Point Language, but started to wonder when I saw the reports :P

All good, I had assumed you were on the Dot Point Language, but started to wonder when I saw 2 reports stating otherwise 😅 But initially had watched the Clip on my phone so couldn't really make out the decimal Character :P

It's certainly a slippery one, there's been a handful of these Comma Bug ([Region Specific Bugs] reports come in since implementing the version checker which allows the majority of players to continue playing their save each update, and now numerous other systems that utilise Decimal Numbers. However with each of these reports lacking logs it has made it incredibly difficult to find out what is actually going wrong and where, even more so when I am unable to get back in contact with the players facing these issues.

So these bugs get set aside, seeing as though, only a very, VERY small minority have this issue, until I can gather the required info to fix the main issue as there is no point in wasting time running in circles, trying to chase and pin point down these unrepeatable bugs (On an English System anyway) and purely guessing based of a brief description of what broke.

Being that around only 2-3% of Scrapping Sim users are within this 'Comma' category, it makes it incredibly difficult to find the actual cause ([Root Bug]) of the issue rather than the [End Bug].

That being said, I've got to cater the Games Progression towards the masses (The other 97-98% of the User Base) and prioritise those bugs, as Weeks and even Months of progression has been lost in the past trying to solve Sole Person Issues and/or Minority issues that only a very select few people may ever encounter and has continually prolonged the actual progression of Scrapping Sim Development.

Granted if a Player facing these issues is willing to take a few extra moments out of their day to provide Logs for this Bug (or any for that matter) when creating a report, I am sure I'd be able to have it fixed in a jiffy, though without the logs and not knowing what exactly is breaking I'm just throwing Code around here there and everywhere, potentially opening doorways for Global Bugs that everyone may face, hoping that it's going to work, as I have no way of actually facing these issues on my end and testing if my fixes work or do anything at all, so to me at this stage without the 'Help me, Help you' mantra, there is not much point in me wasting time just guessing.