Fusion4Energy / F4Enix

API for parsing and post-processing many MC simulations related files
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Fix issues with card keys #116

Open dodu94 opened 3 days ago

dodu94 commented 3 days ago


There is a need in F4Enix to clean card keys like *TR1 -> TR1 or F6:n -> F6. The pattern that was implemented to clean this though had effects also on other cards such as WWE:N -> WWE. This can create a problem since in the same input one can have WWE:N and WWE:P, meaning that only one card would be retained in the input. This behaviour has been corrected.

Fixes #112

Additional dependencies introduced. No additional dependencies

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Suitable CI tests have been added


codecov[bot] commented 3 days ago

Codecov Report

All modified and coverable lines are covered by tests :white_check_mark:

Files with missing lines Coverage Δ
src/f4enix/constants.py 100.00% <100.00%> (ø)
src/f4enix/input/MCNPinput.py 94.83% <100.00%> (+<0.01%) :arrow_up: