FusionAuth / fusionauth-issues

FusionAuth issue submission project
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Auto-install custom plugins via kickstart #1096

Open abbaseya opened 3 years ago

abbaseya commented 3 years ago

Auto-install custom plugins via kickstart


In the case of creating custom plugins (i.e. Password Encryptors). Those are required to be placed inside the plugins folder before starting FusionAuth. Since cloud containers need to be stateless, these plugins need to exist in the container image from the first place. Which is not currently supported by FusionAuth.


Adding a new plugins property to the kickstart file. One that accepts an Array of plugins (i.e. relative paths) to be auto-copied into FusionAuth at build time. Another option would be to support a URL to copy the .jar file from into the plugin directory.


Applying custom modifications to FusionAuth Dockerfile for manually copying custom plugins into FusionAuth before reaching the container entry point.

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robotdan commented 2 years ago

We may also just want to add plugins to the db so we can manage it multi-node w/out having the user have to add the plugin to each node.