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Templates: Move the idendity providers onto separated file(s) #1403

Open soullivaneuh opened 3 years ago

soullivaneuh commented 3 years ago

Templates: Move the idendity providers onto separated file(s)


Currently, all the social login button definition and logic are defined in the _helpers.ftl file.

Because of that, the file is enormous with more than 65k chars:

❯ wc templates/_helpers.ftl
 1068  3784 64916 templates/_helpers.ftl

Also, the override process is cumbersome. For my case, I override the helpers file just to change some meta and global design. I don't touch the social login button, but I always have to update this file to make the app working properly.

Plus, this looks a bit anti-pattern to manage special cases (social login button) on a centralized file, I am right? :thinking:


I see two solution:

  1. Move the social login part onto a dedicated helpers file
  2. Have a more complex template system to configure each social login template trough the API/interface

What do you think?

soullivaneuh commented 3 years ago

Note: This also produces the /usr/bin/jq: Argument list too long error on my setup script.

Related script part:

echo "Theme update."
for template_path in templates/**/*; do
    template_section=$(echo "${template_path}" | cut -d '/' -f 2)
    field_name="${template_section}$(basename "$template_path" |
        cut -d . -f1 |
        awk 'BEGIN{FS="";RS="-";ORS=""} {$0=toupper(substr($0,1,1)) substr($0,2)} 1')
    field_layout=$(jq -aRs . <(cat "$template_path"))
    templates="${templates} | .templates.${field_name} = ${field_layout}"
ftl_helpers=$(jq -aRs . <(cat templates/_helpers.ftl))
ftl_index=$(jq -aRs . <(cat templates/index.ftl))
messages=$(jq -aRs . <(cat locales/messages.properties))
messages_fr=$(jq -aRs . <(cat locales/messages_fr.properties))
jq ".templates.helpers = ${ftl_helpers} | .templates.index = ${ftl_index} ${templates} | .defaultMessages = ${messages} | .localizedMessages.fr = ${messages_fr}" \
    theme.json >generated.json
http --check-status --ignore-stdin PATCH "${host_app}"/api/theme/"${theme_id}" \
    "${header_auth}" "${header_json}" \