Open soullivaneuh opened 3 years ago
Note: This also produces the /usr/bin/jq: Argument list too long
error on my setup script.
Related script part:
echo "Theme update."
for template_path in templates/**/*; do
template_section=$(echo "${template_path}" | cut -d '/' -f 2)
field_name="${template_section}$(basename "$template_path" |
cut -d . -f1 |
awk 'BEGIN{FS="";RS="-";ORS=""} {$0=toupper(substr($0,1,1)) substr($0,2)} 1')
field_layout=$(jq -aRs . <(cat "$template_path"))
templates="${templates} | .templates.${field_name} = ${field_layout}"
ftl_helpers=$(jq -aRs . <(cat templates/_helpers.ftl))
ftl_index=$(jq -aRs . <(cat templates/index.ftl))
messages=$(jq -aRs . <(cat locales/
messages_fr=$(jq -aRs . <(cat locales/
jq ".templates.helpers = ${ftl_helpers} | .templates.index = ${ftl_index} ${templates} | .defaultMessages = ${messages} | = ${messages_fr}" \
theme.json >generated.json
http --check-status --ignore-stdin PATCH "${host_app}"/api/theme/"${theme_id}" \
"${header_auth}" "${header_json}" \
Templates: Move the idendity providers onto separated file(s)
Currently, all the social login button definition and logic are defined in the
file.Because of that, the file is enormous with more than 65k chars:
Also, the override process is cumbersome. For my case, I override the helpers file just to change some meta and global design. I don't touch the social login button, but I always have to update this file to make the app working properly.
Plus, this looks a bit anti-pattern to manage special cases (social login button) on a centralized file, I am right? :thinking:
I see two solution:
What do you think?