FusionAuth / fusionauth-issues

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Add API to look up a user by an email address without using the `/api/user?loginId=<email>` GET request #2176

Open mooreds opened 1 year ago

mooreds commented 1 year ago

Add API to look up a user by an email address without using the /api/user?loginId=<email> GET request


I need to:

  1. add a user via the create user API
  2. immediately look up that user by email for additional processing

I can't use /api/user?loginId=<email> because it logs PII (the user's email) in any proxies that exist between my service and FusionAuth.

I also want to keep using the Elasticsearch search engine, but that has some issues (see below, under workarounds).


I'd like an API that looks the user up by email address, but is a POST so that the PII is not captured in any log files.


Additional context

This was a customer request.

Community guidelines

All issues filed in this repository must abide by the FusionAuth community guidelines.

How to vote

Please give us a thumbs up or thumbs down as a reaction to help us prioritize this feature. Feel free to comment if you have a particular need or comment on how this feature should work.

robotdan commented 1 year ago

We could add support for accepting a JSON request body on the GET method.