FusionAuth / fusionauth-issues

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Implement Additional Validation for SCIM Server #2695

Open jobannon opened 6 months ago

jobannon commented 6 months ago


The FusionAuth SCIM Server currently advertises and allows integrators to create a schema. This schema might suggest to the SCIM client what attributes are required, etc. However, the current implementation of SCIM Server in FusionAuth does not validate the schema before provisioning a user or group.

If you would like to prevent a user/group from being provisioned or modified in FusionAuth, the only current workaround requires an error thrown in the SCIM Request Converter or the SCIM Response Converter. This failure will prevent the action intended by the SCIM Client, however, the message reported back to the client will be vague and indicate a general provisioning error has occurred in a lambda. For example, we might relay an error message that looks like this to a SCIM Client:

StatusCode: InternalServerError Message: Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response' property of this exception for details. Web Response: {"detail":"Lambda Id [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] [LambdaInvocationException] A lambda threw an exception during execution. Consult the event log to determine the root cause.","schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"status":"500"}. This operation was retried 1 times. It will be retried again after this date: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Note that this is also a 500 status code and error and we could, in theory return a 400 status code and message for validation errors.

The SCIM specification indicates the SCIM server can [optionally(?)] enforce validation (see specification here)

[2](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7643#section-2).  SCIM Schema

   A SCIM server provides a set of resources, the allowable contents of
   which are defined by a set of schema URIs and a resource type.
   SCIM's schema is not a document-centric one such as with
   [[XML-Schema](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7643#ref-XML-Schema)].  Instead, SCIM's support of schema is attribute based,
   where each attribute may have different type, mutability,
   cardinality, or returnability.  Validation of documents and messages
   is always performed by an intended receiver, as specified by the SCIM
   specifications.  Validation is performed by the receiver in the
   context of a SCIM protocol request (see [[RFC7644](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7644)]).  For example, a
   SCIM service provider, upon receiving a request to replace an
   existing resource with a replacement JSON object, evaluates each
   asserted attribute based on its characteristics as defined in the
   relevant schema (e.g., mutability) and decides which attributes may
   be replaced or ignored.


FusionAuth should allow for validation of the schema and provide enriched error objects back to the end user regarding failure states and validation errors. This may mean that they Errors schema needs to be extended as well, to relay more information about the validation failure to the SCIM Client.


If you would like to implement validation login with FusionAuth as the SCIM server, then you can by checking the incoming request in a lambda and throwing an error if the data does not match what you would expect.


throw new Error('Attribute "name.givenName" missing');

Additional context

Ticket - 74429

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