FusionAuth / fusionauth-issues

FusionAuth issue submission project
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[Bug]: Acquisition channel data is not coming back #2754

Closed mooreds closed 3 weeks ago

mooreds commented 1 month ago

What happened?

In 1.50, we added a field asking how folks had heard about us. This should be sent off to a FusionAuth server.

Currently, we are getting data back, but not all the time, even for instances that we know are 1.50.1. I tried to skip this question when going through the setup wizard, but didn't see a way to do it.

Internal: https://inversoft.slack.com/archives/C0407G6V5/p1716307195199919



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robotdan commented 3 weeks ago

@mooreds this is probably more of an internal issue, so my guess is that it was handled in Linear. @lyleschemmerling is this fixed? If so, we need to somehow link this back to a PR or a linear task.