FusionAuth / fusionauth-issues

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Obscure the client secret in the application screen #2755

Closed mooreds closed 2 weeks ago

mooreds commented 1 month ago

Obscure the client secret in the application screen


Auditors might be giving folks a hard time about client secrets being exposed in the admin UI.


The same way API keys are obscured, it'd be good to obscure the client secret in the admin UI. They should be available via clicking the secret (because there are times you need to be able to copy/paste them) but not fully visible by default.

Would need to do this both on the edit and view screen.


Limit access to the application config screen.

Additional context

Came up on a customer call.

Community guidelines

All issues filed in this repository must abide by the FusionAuth community guidelines.

How to vote

Please give us a thumbs up or thumbs down as a reaction to help us prioritize this feature. Feel free to comment if you have a particular need or comment on how this feature should work.

robotdan commented 3 weeks ago

Is this a duplicate of https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-issues/issues/1059?

mooreds commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, I'd say 1059 is a superset of this request.

robotdan commented 2 weeks ago

Closing, will be handled under #1059