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Homebrew install fails with `NoMethodError` #2772

Open beck3905 opened 3 weeks ago

beck3905 commented 3 weeks ago

Homebrew install fails with NoMethodError


When following the instructions here https://fusionauth.io/download#w-tabs-0-data-w-pane-7 I receive the following error when attempting Step 2.

Error: An exception occurred within a child process:
  NoMethodError: undefined method `exists?' for class File

Some Googling tells me that this could be related to a deprecation in Ruby, which is used by Homebrew. This suggests that the Homebrew formulae may not be compatible with the latest Homebrew version/Ruby version. But I'm not sure if that is actually the underlying issue or not.

I am currently unable to install FusionAuth via Homebrew due to this issue.

Is this a question about how to use FusionAuth? Please consider posting on the FusionAuth forum instead. No

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robotdan commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for letting us know @beck3905 - sorry for the inconvenience. You can use the macOS fast-path install for now if this is not working for you. We'll need to dig into this one and see what is broken.