FusionAuth / fusionauth-issues

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FusionAuth with Yugabyte #463

Open saulfrank opened 4 years ago

saulfrank commented 4 years ago

Globally distributed and compliant authentication


I love Fusionauth and I tried to connect it to a postgresql compatible database called Yugabyte. I am interested in doing this because they are working on partitioning the data by country or zone. This means that we could use Fusionauth as a global identity authentication with data partitioned in different countries (with one distributed database to manage). Hugely helpful for data compliance and GDPR. I got as far as getting it to connect to Yugabyte ysql, it created the tables OK (if you create the database before hand) but there seems to be a compatibility issue when writing transactions. Yugabyte should be fully compatible but I don't understand the Fusionauth code well enough to see where it gets stuck.


I think having this solution with edge location JWT verification would be an incredible way to do globally distributed and compliant authentication.

robotdan commented 4 years ago

Thanks for opening the issue @saulfrank. It sounds like Yugabyte is not fully compatible with PostgreSQL.

If you provide some debug information or SQL errors perhaps the community can assist here, but I am not familiar with Yugabyte so you'll need to provide some additional information if you would like assistance.
