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IdP Initiated SSO #566

Closed tyduptyler13 closed 3 years ago

tyduptyler13 commented 4 years ago

IdP Initiated SSO / Launchpad


It is hard for a user to easily navigate to all of the supported websites and easily be authenticated.


The barrier could be reduced by using an IdP initiated login via a launchpad. This gives users two things:

  1. A collection of easy to reach applications
  2. A faster route to be authenticated with the applications


Keep bookmarks in the browser and manually find the login button for any of these features.

Additional context


In researching this workflow, most other providers use SAML as it has a specifically designed mechanism for it.


How to vote

Please give us a thumbs up or thumbs down as a reaction to help us prioritize this feature. Feel free to comment if you have a particular need or comment on how this feature should work.

tyduptyler13 commented 4 years ago


Logged in workflow

Not logged in workflow

IdP Initated workflows (SAML/OIDC)

OpenID IDP initiated login

SAML IDP initiated login

PUML Source ```PlantUML @startuml title Authenticated Launchpad Launchpad: GET to / [*] --> Launchpad Launchpad --> SelectTenant SelectTenant --> Login SelectTenant --> SelectTenant: Unknown tenant name Launchpad --> Login: Only one tenant Login --> Login: Unsuccessful login Login --> SelectApplication Login --> IDPInitatedLogin: Only one application SelectApplication --> IDPInitatedLogin IDPInitatedLogin --> [*] @enduml @startuml title NOT Authneticated Launchpad Launchpad: GET to / [*] --> Launchpad Launchpad --> SelectTenant Launchpad --> SelectApplication: Only one tenant Launchpad --> IDPInitatedLogin: Only one tenant AND\na default application SelectTenant --> SelectApplication SelectTenant --> SelectTenant: Unknown tenant name SelectApplication -> IDPInitatedLogin SelectTenant --> IDPInitatedLogin: Default application IDPInitatedLogin --> [*] @enduml @startuml title OpenID IDP Initiated Login user -> FA: SP link on launchpad note right The url contains information on which client to go to. Using that info we can decide between the following workflows end note alt SP requires State FA --> user: 302 to SP Login user -> SP: / return 302 to FA Oauth user -> FA: /oauth2/authorize return 302 to SP callback else SP doesn't require state and we know the callback note over user, SP Warning: This workflow is considered a security risk due to the lack of the State variable. It is possible to have a man in the middle attack. (This is also true for the SAML workflow) end note FA --> user: 302 to /login user -> FA: /login note right This ensures we are logged in end note FA --> user-: 302 to SP callback end user -> SP+: / SP -> FA+: /oauth2/token return SP -> SP: Decode token SP --> user-: 302 to landing page user -> SP+: / return @enduml @startuml title SAML IDP Initiated Login note over user, FA Warning: This strategy contains a vulnerability to man in the middle attacks as anyone can phish the users into using their interface and act on behalf of the user. end note user -> FA: SP link on launchpad return 302 /samlv2/login user -> FA: /samlv2/login return 302 to SP RelayState note over user, FA The user has a token now end note user -> SP+: RelayState url (known by FA) SP -> SP: Validate token SP --> user-: 302 to landing page user -> SP+: / return @enduml ```
voidmain commented 4 years ago

It looks like the workflow for OpenID Connect isn't fully backed for the "SP doesn't require state". It should take the user to /oauth2/authorize

tyduptyler13 commented 4 years ago

@voidmain The docs i've been reading suggest that you can skip authorize and just send the user to the SP callback with an authorization token (as if they already did the SP login and called authorize). I can document that.

voidmain commented 4 years ago

Not if they aren't logged into the OAuth endpoint of the IdP. That would be a HUGE security risk. If you want to cover every case for IdP initiated login, then technically you need 6 diagrams:

  1. OAuth no session, state needed
  2. OAuth no session, no state needed
  3. OAuth session, state needed
  4. OAuth session, no state needed
  5. SAML no session
  6. SAML session
tyduptyler13 commented 4 years ago

I agree that it is a huge risk. The two things I've grasped from reading about this is that its always insecure (because there is little to nothing protecting you from man in the middle), with the exception of my first OpenID option (state required) (because that is just OpenID Connect with a little bootstrapping), and that Auth0, Oracle, KeyCloak, and Duo seem to do it anyways.

As for the session, I believe I made an assumption that the only way to reach the launchpad is if the user is already logged in to FusionAuth. As for the SP session, it would have to be created as the user triggered the SP callback.

tyduptyler13 commented 4 years ago

A good route forward would probably be to "support idp initated login", but actually just route everyone to the SP login page with the right parameters to trigger a FusionAuth login (regardless of Oauth or SAML). It would still look like idp initated login but be more secure. We could even make a blog post on why we did it that way and why its a bad idea to skip steps in a login workflow.

robotdan commented 3 years ago

This will be shipping shortly, however it is only for IdP initiated login support through SAML v2. The launchpad capability within FusionAuth will be a separate feature. We will ship IdP initiated login under this issue, and then possibly open a new issue for the full launchpad idea within FusionAuth.

In an upcoming feature for additional MFA support, there will be an end user account management page and a landing page. Some of the launchpad ideas could be implemented on these pages by an end user.

crossan007 commented 2 years ago

@robotdan Is there a separate issue I can follow for the "Launchpad" feature?

I'm looking for a kind of "Application directory" for (authenticated) FusionAuth end users where they can see all of the apps available to them, and click a link to launch directly into the app (IdP initiated workflow; starting from FusionAuth).

robotdan commented 2 years ago

Some of this is possible today - depending upon your needs. There is a set of self-service pages you can expose to your user, and a root landing page that can be themed. You may be able to build links or launch points into other applications here by building an OAuth Authorize URL on these pages.

But we don't have an official GH issue open to track the feature for a more built-in configurable launch pad. Please do open one if you are interested in this feature.

crossan007 commented 2 years ago

@robotdan nice! That may actually fit my needs perfectly, since it seems that there are some security concerns around IdP initiated logins, and launching right into the SP's login page (possibly with a query string instructing the SP to being the SP-initiated login with the FusionAuth IdP) is the preferred mechanism anyway.