FusionAuth / fusionauth-site

Website and documentation for FusionAuth
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Review and refresh all tutorials #915

Closed mooreds closed 1 year ago

mooreds commented 3 years ago

This is a tracking issue for reviewing and refreshing all the tutorials.

Here's the list of in progress or done tutorials.

User registration and sign-in with Laravel and FusionAuth - DONE
Deactivating, Reactivating, and Deleting A FusionAuth User in Python - DONE
Building a user profile portal with Flask, OAuth, and APIs - in progress
How to Securely Implement OAuth in Angular - in progress
How to Securely Implement OAuth in React - in progress
Implementing FusionAuth with Python - From Setup to First App - in progress

Here's the current list to work through.

Securing a Go Microservice with JWT
Adding native integrations to your app with FusionAuth and Xkit
Adding social sign in to your Django web application using OAuth
ASP.NET Core Example with  Custom Claims
Authenticating with AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory and LDAP
Breached Password Detection: How to Lock User Accounts with a Webhook
Building a CLI app with the Device Code grant and golang
Centralized authentication with a microservices gateway
Controlling a hotspot with FusionAuth authentication
Creating a user in FusionAuth with a .NET Core CLI client
Easy Integration of FusionAuth and Node.js
Easy Integration of Spring and FusionAuth
How to enable breached password detection with FusionAuth
How to integrate with FusionAuth using PHP
How to migrate your legacy user data to a centralized auth system
How to migrate your legacy user data to a centralized auth system
How to securely implement OAuth in Ruby on Rails
How to Securely Implement OAuth in Vue.js
How to theme FusionAuth's advanced registration forms
How to use FusionAuth's advanced registration forms
How To Use FusionAuth's Multi-Tenant Feature To Create A Private Label Offering
JWT authorization in a microservices gateway
Manage custom user profile data in the FusionAuth admin
Securing a Flutter App with OAuth
Securing A Golang App with OAuth
Securing a Ruby on Rails API with JWTs
Securing an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages app with OAuth
Securing React Native with OAuth
Securing your legacy PHP business application with OAuth
Setting up single sign-on (SSO) with FusionAuth
Setting Up Single Sign-on For NodeBB
Using Java to manage FusionAuth
Using OAuth and PKCE to Add Authentication to Your Gatsby Site
Using Webhooks In FusionAuth To Delete User Data
mooreds commented 1 year ago

Closing this because we're managing it via a googlespreadsheet now.