Closed T3llorista closed 1 year ago
1: yes, because the emulator has no DF expansion (SL is the highest emulator atm) 2: Ty, will fix it asap
I don't know in what console have you tried but in latest 3.3.5 trinitycore that command result this:
Create for every problem a new issue pls it makes no sense to have an issue with 50 problems in it
1º fix in acp view the account the expasion no are Dragonflight 2º fix to change Languages default web to spanish and go to home index revived a error (see the photo 2) 3º fix why i create a console command in item store this ".modify money 1000" and buy but recived error and other command work prefect. i test ".kick character" and .modify money 1000 work perfect in console 4ºfix when i create a item in store recived a error "table item_template not exist" in emulator trinity core dragonflight. i copy the table for 3.3.5 and work perfect and i can create items
thz to the coder for this proyect :-)