Futarchy-Polkadot-Hackathon-2023 / Things

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Implement login to polkassembly #4

Closed morkeltry closed 1 year ago

morkeltry commented 1 year ago

Implement module which exports a polkassemblyClient with .login() and .active() methods

Navigating and posting in Polkassembly should be easy - it's a graphQL query, with an authentication token in the HTTP header.

The auth token has a one-hour expiry (but seems the clock is out ??)

The site is a non-standard React app (React Dev Tools cannot parse it)

I would guess we need a framework such as Cypress which works well with React to fill in the login form. But there may be some way simpler way to do it..

morkeltry commented 1 year ago

Maybe .active() is better known as .isLoggedIn() ;P

k-gunjan commented 1 year ago

yea.. its possible using Selenium. i ll make it