FuturICT2 / FIN4Simulations

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We have multiple results even if we only run the simulation once #2

Open mariopaolucci opened 4 years ago

mariopaolucci commented 4 years ago

.. and we're pretty clueless about why right now (number of processors?)

mariopaolucci commented 4 years ago

This behavior really puzzles me. I have run the current simulation and I get only one print of

                            __________   ____ 
          ________ __ _____/ ____/   |  / __ \
         / ___/ __` / __  / /   / /| | / / / /
        / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /___/ ___ |/ /_/ / 
        \___/\__,_/\__,_/\____/_/  |_/_____/  
        by BlockScience

Execution Mode: single_proc: [<cadCAD.configuration.Configuration object at 0x7f38df8672d0>]

However, if I add just one print statement, I suddenly get five of them! I have prepared a branch to show that - The line to blame is https://github.com/FuturICT2/FIN4Simulations/blob/4cdb38e88c49088ec66dce100546d2cdd8425d2e/Fin4_ABM.py#L284.

I remain quite puzzled. However, the number of lines in the json results file doesn't seem to change..

pardianabele commented 4 years ago

I posted a question about this on the cadCAD forum. Feel free to jump in or check the replies here: https://community.cadcad.org/t/multiple-execution-of-simulation-when-one-expected/138