Futura-Py / weather

Coming soon
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Settings Window #17

Closed im-coder-lg closed 2 months ago

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

The title.

Joking, here is my idea btw:

Proposed Idea

Continued from #16

Please use this issue for your ideas. I might not be able to add a PR on this, so @Moosems @sumeshir26 I would need your help on this.

not-nef commented 10 months ago

hello i am also a programmer and i am pretty fit with ui

not-nef commented 10 months ago

although i dont quite get your drawing

Moosems commented 10 months ago

hello i am also a programmer

I would hope so.

Moosems commented 10 months ago

Joking, here is my idea btw:

Works good for me. I might work on a PR for this on Saturday.

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

although i dont quite get your drawing

It's a design. You know that Sun Valley and Tkinger also allows tabbed windows, right? We can add anything else we need to add witht this feature. @Moosems can we try adding the About page in the settings tab itself? Might be easier. We ca also add the update mechanism like in https://GitHub.com/Futura-Py/TimerX

not-nef commented 10 months ago

ok do you want me to do anything for this project?

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

Hmm... @Moosems can you initiaise the PR? Me, @sumeshir26 and @not-nef will work on it together. We would have to refactor it repeatedly, trust me. I will add a list of things that we can implement and add some things myself. @sumeshir26 can you add the About page to the Settings tab? And @not-nef we need to add a simple update system like on TimerX, so can you do that? @Moosems I need your help to perfect this. I have a more elaborate vision, and will add it here soon.

not-nef commented 10 months ago

yeah i can start work on the updating system tomorrow

Moosems commented 10 months ago

The updates can't modify the bundle contents. So you can't just change the file.

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

The updates can't modify the bundle contents. So you can't just change the file.

What do you mean?

not-nef commented 10 months ago

huh you dont need to modify anything, we just check if theres a newer version and if there is we open the browser with a link to the release

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

My vision of the settings tab(if it is possible): image Settings icon by Icons8 btw

SVG for closer inspection ![Untitled-2023-08-24-2050](https://github.com/Futura-Py/weather/assets/76845820/3b2f89ae-12df-423f-a767-179bff0a23ba)
not-nef commented 10 months ago

my design 😊

not-nef commented 10 months ago

i could do that since i have done pretty much exactly this for notes.

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

WE THOUGHT THE SAME THING?! Wow, talk about a freakin' coincidence! Edit: I thought of this type since I saw it elsewhere, guess it was Notes and TimerX

not-nef commented 10 months ago

no i mean my notes app has THIS design

not-nef commented 10 months ago

check it out github.com/futura-py/notes

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

Well, that is what made me think of this. But that tabs inside tabs is my design haha

not-nef commented 10 months ago

i have put a lot of effort into it :)

not-nef commented 10 months ago

Well, that is what made me think of this. But that tabs inside tabs is my design haha

yeah i can just put my design into a frame and integrate it here

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

Let @Moosems start. He really knows the code here, since he coded 99% of it. Then you add your changes, I will add mine, and @sumeshir26 can add a good About page with the icon. Yeah, we kind of got an icon. It was commented at #16, and I like it. We also need to add credits/links to icons if we did use them, like the settings one from Icons8.

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

Okay, gotta go! the-flash-salute

not-nef commented 10 months ago

yeah ok then i dont need to do anything since i dont really have any ideas. im not a very creative person

Moosems commented 10 months ago

Remember, there are only two settings....

Moosems commented 10 months ago

Let @Moosems start. He really knows the code here, since he coded 99% of it. Then you add your changes, I will add mine, and @sumeshir26 can add a good About page with the icon. Yeah, we kind of got an icon. It was commented at #16, and I like it. We also need to add credits/links to icons if we did use them, like the settings one from Icons8.

Send me the icon so I can integrate it into the builds please!

not-nef commented 10 months ago

once this project is finished i bet there will be a lot more

sumeshir26 commented 10 months ago

Let @Moosems start. He really knows the code here, since he coded 99% of it. Then you add your changes, I will add mine, and @sumeshir26 can add a good About page with the icon. Yeah, we kind of got an icon. It was commented at #16, and I like it. We also need to add credits/links to icons if we did use them, like the settings one from Icons8.

Ok, I will start working on the About page after the settings page is done.

sumeshir26 commented 10 months ago

Let @Moosems start. He really knows the code here, since he coded 99% of it. Then you add your changes, I will add mine, and @sumeshir26 can add a good About page with the icon. Yeah, we kind of got an icon. It was commented at #16, and I like it. We also need to add credits/links to icons if we did use them, like the settings one from Icons8.

Send me the icon so I can integrate it into the builds please!


sumeshir26 commented 10 months ago

once this project is finished i bet there will be a lot more

i hope so too - but in India this is my Boards(like a important exam) year so i will have very little time for coding very soon

Moosems commented 10 months ago

once this project is finished i bet there will be a lot more

For? Units and color mode seems to be the only thing that really matters here. This project already got bloated by adding the sv_ttk feature.

sumeshir26 commented 10 months ago

Remember, there are only two settings....

Yes, a full blown settings window will be kind of overkill here. But i guess it dosent hurt to get the framework in place so we can add more settings if and when we need to.

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

once this project is finished i bet there will be a lot more

i hope so too - but in India this is my Boards(like a important exam) year so i will have very little time for coding very soon

You said it. Same here. And I got competition at school.

Remember, there are only two settings....


Anything else? I believe that is it for now.

Yes, a full blown settings window will be kind of overkill here. But i guess it dosent hurt to get the framework in place so we can add more settings if and when we need to.

Well, setting up a layout always helps.

For? Units and color mode seems to be the only thing that really matters here. This project already got bloated by adding the sv_ttk feature.

Perhaps we might have to use the multiple scripts method if it gets more bloated in the process. Honestly, it depends. But if it was like a multiple filesystem, maybe it is easy to manage, right?

New design? image

SVG ![Untitled-2023-08-24-2050](https://github.com/Futura-Py/weather/assets/76845820/3518ba2e-a1db-4f9a-82ba-ba5adfbdee70)
Moosems commented 10 months ago

I like the design. I have recommended using a web scraper in the past instead of an API, thoughts?

Moosems commented 10 months ago

I can handle this next PR on my own, just want to iron out the details first.

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

I like the design. I have recommended using a web scraper in the past instead of an API, thoughts?

How does that work?

I can handle this next PR on my own, just want to iron out the details first.

We want to help though! I will try adding the API setting, and if I find anything else to add, I will add that. @sumeshir26 can integrate the app icon to the code, before we add it to packaging. @not-nef will add a similar update system like on TimerX. And you can refactor it to make it look better. Plus, I want to add some more things to the About page.

not-nef commented 10 months ago

I like the design. I have recommended using a web scraper in the past instead of an API, thoughts?

How does that work?

i think he just wants to do the requests.get() on a weather site

sumeshir26 commented 10 months ago

We want to help though! I will try adding the API setting, and if I find anything else to add, I will add that. @sumeshir26 can integrate the app icon to the code, before we add it to packaging. @not-nef will add a similar update system like on TimerX. And you can refactor it to make it look better. Plus, I want to add some more things to the About page.

Will take care of it in the next 3-4 hours.

Moosems commented 10 months ago

i think he just wants to do the requests.get() on a weather site

Request the data from the website and then parse the data.

sumeshir26 commented 10 months ago

@im-coder-lg Done with the icon. @not-nef Any updates on update system?

sumeshir26 commented 10 months ago

What does everyone think about separating the UI code and the weather API code into different files?

im-coder-lg commented 10 months ago

Better file management?

Moosems commented 10 months ago

What does everyone think about separating the UI code and the weather API code into different files?

The API code is so simple it doesn't need its own file. This is a small project and doesn't need more than one file.

not-nef commented 10 months ago

@im-coder-lg Done with the icon.

@not-nef Any updates on update system?

my gf was over today im afraid i can only work on it tomorrow. will do my best.

im-coder-lg commented 2 months ago

Okay, it's been a long time, so sorry to blast everyone's notification box. But something like this is on #21, but it's still in the WIP stage.