Future-Power-Networks / MAPDN

This repository is for an open-source environment for multi-agent active voltage control on power distribution networks (MAPDN).
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Multiple actions per agent in the distributed mode #34

Open kosmylo opened 3 weeks ago

kosmylo commented 3 weeks ago

In the distributed mode each agent is responsible to control one generator. In your case one agent has only one action. If I want to have multiple actions per agent what changes should I make?

hsvgbkhgbv commented 3 weeks ago

You need to manually override the following functions: get_action(self), get_total_actions(self), get_avail_actions(self), get_avail_agent_actions(self, agent_id) and get_num_of_agents(self)

kosmylo commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, I have modified the functions that you have mentioned.

Just to give a better idea, I am trying to replicate your logic in a different environment for flexibility provision. In this case I have some agents that represent buildings and each agent can control different variables of a building.

I include some code to explain you the logic:

self.action_space = ActionSpace(low=self.args.action_low, high=self.args.action_high)
self.n_agents = len(self.base_powergrid['buildings'])
self.n_actions = 4  # P_red, P_esc, P_esd, Q_pv for each building
self.agent_ids = self.base_powergrid['buildings']  # Agent IDs equal to bus IDs with buildings

def get_avail_actions(self):
    """return available actions for all agents
    avail_actions = []
    for agent_id in range(self.n_agents):
    return np.expand_dims(np.array(avail_actions), axis=0)

def get_avail_agent_actions(self, agent_id):
    """Return the available actions for agent_id."""
    return [1] * self.n_actions 

def get_total_actions(self):
    return self.n_actions

def get_num_of_agents(self):
    """return the number of agents"""
    return self.n_agents

I am also attaching the step fucntion.

def step(self, actions):
    num_buildings = len(self.base_powergrid['buildings'])

    # Initialize dictionaries to hold the parsed actions
    percentage_reduction = {}
    ess_charging = {}
    ess_discharging = {}
    q_pv = {}

    for i in range(num_buildings):
        # Each agent controls 4 actions
        percentage_reduction[self.base_powergrid['buildings'][i]] = self.args.max_power_reduction * actions[i * 4]
        ess_charging[self.base_powergrid['ESSs_at_buildings'][i]] = self.args.p_ch_max * actions[i * 4 + 1]
        ess_discharging[self.base_powergrid['ESSs_at_buildings'][i]] = self.args.p_dis_max * actions[i * 4 + 2]
        q_pv[self.base_powergrid['PVs_at_buildings'][i]] = self._scale_and_clip_q_pv(actions[i * 4 + 3], self.current_pv_power[self.base_powergrid['PVs_at_buildings'][i]])

    result = power_flow_solver(

    voltages = result['Voltages']
    ess_energy = result['Next ESS Energy']

    self.current_voltage = voltages
    self.current_ess_energy = ess_energy

    reward, info = self.calculate_reward(power_reduction, ess_charging, ess_discharging, q_pv, voltages)
    self.cumulative_reward += reward


    terminated = self.steps >= self.episode_limit
    self.steps += 1

    # Update initial_ess_energy for the next step
    self.initial_ess_energy = ess_energy

    # Ensure the reward is a scalar value
    total_reward = np.sum(reward)

    # Store the values as attributes for later access
    self.percentage_reduction = percentage_reduction
    self.ess_charging = ess_charging
    self.ess_discharging = ess_discharging
    self.q_pv = q_pv

    return total_reward, terminated, info

The issue is when I run train.py:

GenericDict(gumbel_softmax=False, epsilon_softmax=False, softmax_eps=None, episodic=False, cuda=True, grad_clip_eps=1.0, save_model_freq=40, replay_warmup=0, policy_lrate=0.0001, value_lrate=0.0001, mixer_lrate=None, target=True, target_lr=0.1, entr=0.001, max_steps=240, batch_size=32, replay=True, replay_buffer_size=5000.0, agent_type='rnn', agent_id=True, shared_params=True, layernorm=True, mixer=False, gaussian_policy=False, LOG_STD_MIN=0.0, LOG_STD_MAX=0.5, fixed_policy_std=1.0, hid_activation='relu', init_type='normal', init_std=0.1, action_enforcebound=True, double_q=True, clip_c=1.0, gamma=0.99, hid_size=64, continuous=True, normalize_advantages=False, train_episodes_num=400, behaviour_update_freq=60, target_update_freq=120, policy_update_epochs=1, value_update_epochs=10, mixer_update_epochs=None, reward_normalisation=True, eval_freq=20, num_eval_episodes=10, action_low=0, action_high=1.0, action_bias=0.0, action_scale=1.0, agent_num=5, obs_size=6, state_size=110, action_dim=4)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/test/train.py", line 94, in <module>
    train.run(stat, i)
  File "/root/test/utils/trainer.py", line 109, in run
    self.behaviour_net.train_process(stat, self)
  File "/root/test/MADRL/models/model.py", line 214, in train_process
    reward, done, info = trainer.env.step(actual)
  File "/root/test/MADRL/environments/flex_provision/flexibility_provision_env.py", line 100, in step
    percentage_reduction[self.base_powergrid['buildings'][i]] = self.args.max_power_reduction * actions[i * 4]
IndexError: index 4 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 4

Apparently the actions array has only 4 elements and this causes the error. Could you propose possible fixes?

kosmylo commented 3 weeks ago

I was able to identify where the error came from. First, according to the error, the shape of the actions was [1,1,4]. However, I would expect [1,5,4]. In the function get_actions(self, state, status, exploration, actions_avail, target=False, last_hid=None) of maddpg.py the variable means had the correct shape [1, 5, 4], but then the problem was due to the following part:

if means.size(-1) > 1:
    means_ = means.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
    log_stds_ = log_stds.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
    means_ = means
    log_stds_ = log_stds

My question now is what is the purpose of this part?