Future-Scholars / paperlib-citation-count-extension

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Question about getting the number of citations #1

Open zhtjtcz opened 1 day ago

zhtjtcz commented 1 day ago

I found that the number of citations obtained using the extension sometimes differed from the number on Google Scholar.

And I tried to read the source code to find out why, but found that the number of citations was obtained using the API on the https://api.paperlib.app.

I wonder if the author has any plans to change this part of the code to use a public API? It doesn't seem necessary for users to access the server while getting citations.

Looking forward to the author's reply. Happy to discuss improvements to this extension.

GeoffreyChen777 commented 1 day ago


  1. There is no Google Scholar API. And Google's anti-scraping policy is very strict.
  2. We use SemanticScholar API. It requires API key. So I need to use our server to protect the API key.