FutureProofHomes / wyoming-enhancements

Integrate Magical ChatGPT Capabilities With Home Assistant's Wyoming Voice Satellite.
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Getting errors when trying to play music on satellite #24

Open milkplus27 opened 5 months ago

milkplus27 commented 5 months ago

Hi there! Firstly, just wanted to say that you're doing awesome work here. Both video and written tutorials are easy to follow and a real asset to the HA community.

However, I seem to be having an issue which I'm certain is likely my own error but am a little stuck on how to debug it.

I have followed all your instructions to get to the point of having the Wyoming Satellite (with 2Mic PiHat) play music via either the wake word or just by typing into Assist in HA but i'm getting an errors back. If i ask it to play a specific artist on the specific device I get the following when i check the debug:

conversation_id: 01HP6C88NCJFXV8YWK3RSECC3R
device_id: null
        speech: >-
          Something went wrong: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError:
          list object has no element 0
        extra_data: null
    card: {}
    language: "*"
    response_type: error
      code: unknown
  conversation_id: 01HP6CF98SSTSXFQQYN1VFPE92

and then, if I ask it just to play a specific artist or genre (without specifying the device) i get this:

conversation_id: 01HP6CF98SSTSXFQQYN1VFPE92
device_id: null
        speech: "Something went wrong: Template rendered invalid entity IDs: "
        extra_data: null
    card: {}
    language: "*"
    response_type: error
      code: unknown
  conversation_id: 01HP6CFEJAGSM8G07Y0MXVK95K

At this point I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. What's interesting is that I had a different speaker (my Sonos soundbar) enabled in Music Assistant and had to disable it because when I said "Hey, Jarvis. Play Queen in the Living Room" it was playing on that speaker instead of the Wyoming Satellite. Which I didn't even think was possible.

I should add that everything else seems to be working well enough, like turning on/off lights and asking "Who is Bruce Wayne", for example.

Any advice would be super appreciated - I'm sure it's just me misunderstanding things haha

debdalerichard commented 3 months ago

Hi I also got this error...I've narrowed it down to the script in home assistant...what I can see it only plays "Playlists" and not individual tracks???...please correct me if I'm wrong??

I'm trying to modify the script to also accept the name of the track queries..

Pittermaennchen commented 3 months ago

I also have the error "something went wrong: template rendered invalid entity ids" and don't know how to get further from here.

My additional quest is to get this Assistant to speak German. Where do I have to change the code / script in order to achieve that?

vuminhtuanhvtc commented 3 weeks ago

I am encountering exactly this error, has anyone fixed it yet?

wookie666 commented 2 weeks ago

this is what i use to play music on my ceiling speakers. you can edit the default media player entity in the spec below. You can also send a media player name when saying the command.

- spec:
    name: search_music
    description: >
      Searches for music.
      type: object
          type: string
          description: search query
          type: array
          optional: true
            type: string
            enum: ["artist", "album", "playlist", "track", "radio"]
          description: Types of media to search
          type: string
          optional: true
          description: Specify this when you search from a specific artist
          type: string
          optional: true
          description: Specify this when you search from a specific album
      - query
    type: script
    - service: mass.search
      data: >
          "name": "{{ query }}",
          {% if media_type is defined and media_type %}
          "media_type": {{ media_type | tojson }},
          {% else %}
          "media_type": ["artist", "album", "playlist", "track", "radio"],
          {% endif %}
          {% if artist is defined and artist %}
          "artist": "{{ artist }}",
          {% endif %}
          {% if album is defined and album %}
          "album": "{{ album }}",
          {% endif %}
          "limit": 1
      response_variable: _function_result    
- spec:
    name: music_assistant_play
    description: >
      Plays a spotify URI after searching for it 
      using search_music. If a device is not defined, 
      use media_player.ceiling_speakers
      type: object
          type: array
            type: string
          description: List of media player Entity IDs to play.
          type: string
          description: Media identifier (URI)
          type: string
          enum: ["play", "replace", "next", "replace_next", "add"]
          description: >
            How to enqueue the media. 
            If the user says to play a song next, then use next.
            If the user says to play a song at the end of the playlist, then use add.
            If the user says to start a new playlist, then use replace.
            If you are unsure, just use play.
        - media_player_id
        - media_id
        - enqueue
    type: script
      - service: mass.play_media
          entity_id: "{{ media_player_id }}"
          media_id: "{{ media_id }}"
          enqueue: "{{ enqueue }}"
debdalerichard commented 2 weeks ago

this is what i use to play music on my ceiling speakers. you can edit the default media player entity in the spec below. You can also send a media player name when saying the command. '''

  • spec: name: search_music description: > Searches for music. parameters: type: object properties: query: type: string description: search query media_type: type: array optional: true items: type: string enum: ["artist", "album", "playlist", "track", "radio"] description: Types of media to search artist: type: string optional: true description: Specify this when you search from a specific artist album: type: string optional: true description: Specify this when you search from a specific album required:

    • query function: type: script sequence:

    • service: mass.search data: > { "name": "{{ query }}", {% if media_type is defined and media_type %} "media_type": {{ media_type | tojson }}, {% else %} "media_type": ["artist", "album", "playlist", "track", "radio"], {% endif %} {% if artist is defined and artist %} "artist": "{{ artist }}", {% endif %} {% if album is defined and album %} "album": "{{ album }}", {% endif %} "limit": 1 } response_variable: _function_result

  • spec: name: music_assistant_play description: > Plays a spotify URI after searching for it using search_music. If a device is not defined, use media_player.ceiling_speakers parameters: type: object properties: media_player_id: type: array items: type: string description: List of media player Entity IDs to play. media_id: type: string description: Media identifier (URI) enqueue: type: string enum: ["play", "replace", "next", "replace_next", "add"] description: > How to enqueue the media. If the user says to play a song next, then use next. If the user says to play a song at the end of the playlist, then use add. If the user says to start a new playlist, then use replace. If you are unsure, just use play. required:
    • media_player_id
    • media_id
    • enqueue function: type: script sequence:
    • service: mass.play_media target: entity_id: "{{ media_player_id }}" data: media_id: "{{ media_id }}" enqueue: "{{ enqueue }}"

Cheers for this function....is there any chance you could upload a correctly formatted version?...cheers again

wookie666 commented 2 weeks ago
- spec:
    name: search_music
    description: >
      Searches for music.
      type: object
          type: string
          description: search query
          type: array
          optional: true
            type: string
            enum: ["artist", "album", "playlist", "track", "radio"]
          description: Types of media to search
          type: string
          optional: true
          description: Specify this when you search from a specific artist
          type: string
          optional: true
          description: Specify this when you search from a specific album
      - query
    type: script
    - service: mass.search
      data: >
          "name": "{{ query }}",
          {% if media_type is defined and media_type %}
          "media_type": {{ media_type | tojson }},
          {% else %}
          "media_type": ["artist", "album", "playlist", "track", "radio"],
          {% endif %}
          {% if artist is defined and artist %}
          "artist": "{{ artist }}",
          {% endif %}
          {% if album is defined and album %}
          "album": "{{ album }}",
          {% endif %}
          "limit": 1
      response_variable: _function_result    
- spec:
    name: music_assistant_play
    description: >
      Plays a spotify URI after searching for it 
      using search_music. If a device is not defined, 
      use media_player.ceiling_speakers
      type: object
          type: array
            type: string
          description: List of media player Entity IDs to play.
          type: string
          description: Media identifier (URI)
          type: string
          enum: ["play", "replace", "next", "replace_next", "add"]
          description: >
            How to enqueue the media. 
            If the user says to play a song next, then use next.
            If the user says to play a song at the end of the playlist, then use add.
            If the user says to start a new playlist, then use replace.
            If you are unsure, just use play.
        - media_player_id
        - media_id
        - enqueue
    type: script
      - service: mass.play_media
          entity_id: "{{ media_player_id }}"
          media_id: "{{ media_id }}"
          enqueue: "{{ enqueue }}"
vuminhtuanhvtc commented 1 week ago
- spec:
    name: search_music
    description: >
      Searches for music.
      type: object
          type: string
          description: search query
          type: array
          optional: true
            type: string
            enum: ["artist", "album", "playlist", "track", "radio"]
          description: Types of media to search
          type: string
          optional: true
          description: Specify this when you search from a specific artist
          type: string
          optional: true
          description: Specify this when you search from a specific album
      - query
    type: script
    - service: mass.search
      data: >
          "name": "{{ query }}",
          {% if media_type is defined and media_type %}
          "media_type": {{ media_type | tojson }},
          {% else %}
          "media_type": ["artist", "album", "playlist", "track", "radio"],
          {% endif %}
          {% if artist is defined and artist %}
          "artist": "{{ artist }}",
          {% endif %}
          {% if album is defined and album %}
          "album": "{{ album }}",
          {% endif %}
          "limit": 1
      response_variable: _function_result    
- spec:
    name: music_assistant_play
    description: >
      Plays a spotify URI after searching for it 
      using search_music. If a device is not defined, 
      use media_player.ceiling_speakers
      type: object
          type: array
            type: string
          description: List of media player Entity IDs to play.
          type: string
          description: Media identifier (URI)
          type: string
          enum: ["play", "replace", "next", "replace_next", "add"]
          description: >
            How to enqueue the media. 
            If the user says to play a song next, then use next.
            If the user says to play a song at the end of the playlist, then use add.
            If the user says to start a new playlist, then use replace.
            If you are unsure, just use play.
        - media_player_id
        - media_id
        - enqueue
    type: script
      - service: mass.play_media
          entity_id: "{{ media_player_id }}"
          media_id: "{{ media_id }}"
          enqueue: "{{ enqueue }}"

Thanks for this function. About script, can you share your script to play media?

wookie666 commented 1 week ago

There’s no script. These two specs play the media