FutureSDR / FutureSDR

An Async SDR Runtime for Heterogeneous Architectures
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How to pick between two different Soapy Devices #138

Open bwhetsel opened 1 month ago

bwhetsel commented 1 month ago

SourceBuilder::new() is picking the wrong device, how can I ensure the device I want to pick?

JuliDi commented 1 month ago

If I understand correctly what you're doing (some more context and maybe a few lines of code would be helpful here), you should be able to set the device with this function on the builder: https://github.com/FutureSDR/FutureSDR/blob/66b11d599595e6a11f3bf1bcc0935eb50f5f3ff8/src/blocks/seify/builder.rs#L45

bwhetsel commented 1 month ago

Thank you that helped narrow my problem. The primary difficulty I am facing is that the seify “probe” example works and shows the device I want to use. When I use futureSDR re-export of seify::enumerate() with the same hardware setup I get different behavior (soapy hackrf device is not listed).

JuliDi commented 1 month ago

Interesting. Are you using the same version, i.e., are you using the main branch for everything?

bastibl commented 1 month ago

You could also do SoapySDRUtil --probe to see what Soapy finds. Often the OS installs all available Soapy modules, which can be a pain. For example, since it always regards any audio card as "SDR" and it might get picked. To avoid this, you could uninstall the annoying Soapy modules.

You can, however, also specify the driver as argument to Seify (see the WLAN example), i.e., soapy_driver=uhd. Or as CLI parameter -a soapy_driver=uhd. It is also shown here: https://youtu.be/NytXsgbv-PE?si=23t8KrM02wYVrf6z&t=1390