FutureTense / keymaster

Home Assistant integration for managing Z-Wave enabled locks
MIT License
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Unable to get keymater to update PINs #292

Closed mtwalkup closed 1 year ago

mtwalkup commented 1 year ago

I hesitate to even make this bug report because I am so new to HA, but here we go.

HA OS on a Raspberry Pi: Home Assistant 2022.8.1 Supervisor 2022.8.2 Operating System 8.4 Frontend 20220802.0 - latest Z-Wave JS (only Z-Wave add-on used) 0.1.65 Lock: BE469 (says by Allegion, but it is a Schlage lock) Device Status: Alive Device Ready: Yes Highest Security: S0 Legacy Z-Wave Plus: No Keymaster Version 0.0.82 Installed via HACS

I can lock/unlock via HA UI without issue. I have enabled debug logging for Z-Wave JS and KeyMaster.

Z-Wave JS does nothing when I try to set a pin.

I don't see anything in the KeyMaster log either.

I only see this log entry related to Keymaster: 2022-08-06 21:27:26.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] Finished fetching keymaster data in 0.000 seconds (success: True) 2022-08-06 21:27:31.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] Finished fetching keymaster data in 0.000 seconds (success: True)

Even the auto-lock seems to work which I think comes from Keymaster?

But I try to change a PIN Code (add or remove) and it just says PIN Status: adding or deleting. No log changes to Keymaster log (even with debug) and no changes to z-wave js (even with silly mode).

Network entity shows Connected. Allow automation is on.

I was having the same issue and decided to try nuking it (remove integration, remove all related entities I could find, exclude lock from z-wave, factory reset lock, include lock in z-wave [forcing legacy secure], add integration again). Still, same results.

I have two of the locks, I experienced the same problem with both prior to nuke. I am just testing with one lock now. I was using Smartthings previously and it was working fine.

firstof9 commented 1 year ago

Likely your usercodes command class isn't populated. You'll need to re-interview your lock until the usercodes command class populates.

mtwalkup commented 1 year ago

@firstof9 you’re right. Re-interviewing the device a couple of times seems to have resolved the issue.

mtwalkup commented 1 year ago
