FutureTense / keymaster

Home Assistant integration for managing Z-Wave enabled locks
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Log error "keymaster_back_door_lock Lock Notifications: Already running" #294

Closed Anto79-ops closed 1 year ago

Anto79-ops commented 1 year ago


Great integration!

I have a few Kwikset 910 locks. For one of the locks, everytime there is an event for the lock, I get this log error.

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.keymaster_back_door_lock_lock_notifications
Source: helpers/script.py:1442
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8:45:30 AM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:05:12 AM

keymaster_back_door_lock Lock Notifications: Already running

If I turn off the notifications for this lock, the error stops logging it.

Not sure why this lock is doing it, but the other 2 locks (which are the same), are not doing this.

here is the lock in question.


Anto79-ops commented 1 year ago

Here's some more information, it seems like the notification gets triggered twice. For example, here is the first notification trace, notice the time started at 1:20:06 pm and done at 1:20:07 pm


then, if I toggle to the right for the next trace:


it fires again, at the some time 1:20:06 pm , but it doesn't execute because of the single execution rule.

Any idea why this one if firing twice at the trigger?

Here is the entire automation:


Anto79-ops commented 1 year ago

ok the plot thickens....it seems my lock is sending CC command twice.... that weird, right?


firstof9 commented 1 year ago

Ignore the logger warning, that's the best way to handle this.

Anto79-ops commented 1 year ago

Lol I will, but I'm going to try one more thing, my back lock is the furthest away from everything, I got a few repeaters coming in tomorrow to help the network.

Going to exclude and include the lock and try again.... "It's not your code it's the lock" that must be a saying to use, anytime you use zwave locks...hehe