FuturraGroup / OpenVPNXor

Library for simple connection via OpenVPN protocol with Xor patch.
MIT License
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It seems not be working with vpngate .ovpn files #13

Closed tomassilny closed 2 weeks ago

tomassilny commented 1 month ago


I tried to connect to a VPN server using .ovpn files from VPN Gate, but it seems not to be working well. I've tried multiple servers with no success.

I was able to call configureVPN, and it created a new VPN connection in the settings:


However, it seems wrong as the server address doesn't look correct. Could you please check if it works on your side with VPN gate servers, or give me some advice on what I might be doing wrong?

This is my code:

import SwiftUI
import OpenVPNXor

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var showAlert = false
    @State private var alertMessage = ""

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Click Me") {
            .alert(isPresented: $showAlert) {
                Alert(title: Text("VPN Status"), message: Text(alertMessage), dismissButton: .default(Text("OK")))

    private func configureVPN() {
        // Find the .ovpn file
        guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "vpngate_public-vpn-90.opengw.net_tcp_443 (2)", ofType: "ovpn") else {
            alertMessage = "Failed to find .ovpn file in bundle."
            showAlert = true

        do {
            OpenVPNManager.setup(openvpnPacketTunnelIdentifier: "com.deletethis.TestVPN.VPN", appGroupIdentifier: "group.com.deletethis.TestVPN")

            // Load the .ovpn file data
            let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
            let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)

            // Configure the VPN
            OpenVPNManager.shared.configureVPN(openVPNConfiguration: data, login: "vpn", pass: "vpn") { success in
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    if success {
                        OpenVPNManager.shared.connectVPN { errorDescription in
                            if let errorDescription = errorDescription {
                                alertMessage = "Failed to connect VPN: \(errorDescription)"
                            } else {
                                alertMessage = "VPN connected successfully."
                            showAlert = true
                    } else {
                        alertMessage = "Failed to configure VPN."
                        showAlert = true
        } catch {
            alertMessage = "Failed to load .ovpn file: \(error)"
            showAlert = true

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

The error message I get: OpenVPNXor: error in starting tunnel

Thank you!

sergey-zhuravel commented 1 month ago

I checked and it works for me. Perhaps the config was not correct or you configured the PacketTunnelProvider incorrectly. See Usage section.

tomassilny commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your reply @sergey-zhuravel. do you know how to call setup using Objective-C?

sergey-zhuravel commented 2 weeks ago

In Objective-C everything is the same as in Swift, just a different syntax