Fuzss / resourcepackoverrides

Ensures important resource packs stay always active and helps clean up the pack selection screen.
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[Suggestion]: Grouped Packs Merged #8

Open mouse0270 opened 7 months ago

mouse0270 commented 7 months ago

Suggestion (Required)

It would be really cool if resouces in Grouped Packs would be hidden and instead show a single pack displaying the group packs Title and Description.

For example, I was hopping to do something like this

  "RepurposedStructuresDataPacks": [
    "$$RepurposedStructuresDataPacks": {
      "title": "\"Repurposed Structures Datapacks\"",
      "hidden": false,
      "required": false

With the expectation that all those individual datapacks would be hidden on my resource pack screen and instead only show one resource pack that was titled Repurposed Structures Datapacks But instead it just renamed every pack in the group to the same.

For my specific case I can set these as hidden, as these are datapacks that I am loading via Paxi, and I just wanted to keep in the resource pack folder so I could manage udpates with CurseForge

Fuzss commented 7 months ago

The grouping feature is intended for applying properties to multiple packs at once and nothing more. I don't see a valid use case for allowing the grouping of packs like data packs that cannot be used anyways. You either hide them or you don't, I don't see the point in allowing much more than that.

But allowing for grouping resource packs in a new custom pack entry to allow multiple packs to be applied and managed at once would be an interesting idea.

mouse0270 commented 7 months ago

I'd be okay with adding something like a datapack loader too. I just like your mod because it keeps all the files where they belong but hides them in game. I was trying to figure out how to get that same feature but using Paxi as your module doesn't appear to have a way to load datapacks that I could figure out.

mouse0270 commented 7 months ago

Also, just an idea as to why Grouped Packs showing as one item is maybe you have different groups of resources for different worlds.

For example in on would me and my friends all play with the Faithful Resource Packs and some addons for it, but in my personal world I play with Soartex (Grove now) with its own custom Resource Pack I made. Have Grouped packs as a single toggle instead of multiple would be a really easy way to flip between those resources with ease.