FydeOS / chromium_os-raspberry_pi

Build your Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi 4B, Pi400 and the latest Raspberry Pi 5
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Build chromium OS with local browser #44

Open killmind opened 4 years ago

killmind commented 4 years ago

I noticed that in file overlay-rpi3/make.conf the way of building browser is set to local. CHROME_ORIGIN=LOCAL_SOURCE. Then I cloned a copy of chrome source code and put it in, and sync the code by command

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git
sync_chrome --tag=77.0.3865.126 --reset  $brower_path

By restarting build_parckage, cros_sdk found the browser souce code, but reported an error like this:

=== Start output for job chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1 (0m3.0s) ===
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: >>> Emerging (1 of 1) chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1::chipset-bcm2837 for /build/rpi3/
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Running stacked hooks for pre_pkg_setup
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *    sysroot_build_bin_dir ...                                          [ ok ]
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Running stacked hooks for post_pkg_setup
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *    python_eclass_hack ...                                             [ ok ]
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Running stacked hooks for pre_src_unpack
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *    python_multilib_setup ...                                          [ ok ]
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: >>> Unpacking source...
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * If you want to develop or hack on the browser itself, you should follow the
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * simple chrome workflow instead of using emerge:
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/docs/+/master/simple_chrome_workflow.md
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * CHROME_ORIGIN VALUE is LOCAL_SOURCE
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: Building Chromium with additional media codecs and containers.
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Using GN from /home/hao/work/chrome_root/src/buildtools/linux64/gn
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: >>> Source unpacked in /build/rpi3/tmp/portage/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1/work
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Running stacked hooks for post_src_unpack
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *    asan_init ...                                                      [ ok ]
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Running stacked hooks for pre_src_prepare
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *    enable_cxx_exceptions ...                                          [ ok ]
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: >>> Preparing source in /build/rpi3/tmp/portage/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1/work/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc ...
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * /home/hao/work/chrome_root should be set here properly
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Applying widevine_gni.patch ...                                       [ ok ]
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: >>> Source prepared.
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: >>> Configuring source in /build/rpi3/tmp/portage/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1/work/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc ...
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Building with the compiler settings:
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *   CFLAGS = -pipe -fno-split-dwarf-inlining -faddrsig -Wno-unknown-warning-option
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *   CXXFLAGS = -pipe -fno-split-dwarf-inlining -D__google_stl_debug_vector=1 -faddrsig -Wno-unknown-warning-option -stdlib=libc++
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *   CPPFLAGS = 
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *   LDFLAGS = -Wl,-O2 -Wl,--as-needed -stdlib=libc++
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: /mnt/host/depot_tools/gclient runhooks --force
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: Error: client not configured; see 'gclient config'
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * ERROR: chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1::chipset-bcm2837 failed (configure phase):
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *   (no error message)
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * 
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Call stack:
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *     ebuild.sh, line 124:  Called src_configure
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *   environment, line 4503:  Called die
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * The specific snippet of code:
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  *           CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${EBUILD_CFLAGS[*]}" CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} ${EBUILD_CXXFLAGS[*]}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} ${EBUILD_LDFLAGS[*]}" "${cmd[@]}" || die;
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * 
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1::chipset-bcm2837'`,
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1::chipset-bcm2837'`.
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * The complete build log is located at '/build/rpi3/tmp/portage/logs/chromeos-base:chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:20191209-015843.log'.
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * For convenience, a symlink to the build log is located at '/build/rpi3/tmp/portage/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1/temp/build.log'.
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * The ebuild environment file is located at '/build/rpi3/tmp/portage/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1/temp/environment'.
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * Working directory: '/build/rpi3/tmp/portage/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1/work/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc'
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:  * S: '/build/rpi3/tmp/portage/chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1/work/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc'
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: >>> Failed to emerge chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1 for /build/rpi3/, Log file:
chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1: >>>  '/build/rpi3/tmp/portage/logs/chromeos-base:chromeos-chrome-77.0.3865.126_rc-r1:20191209-015843.log'

Do I need to set any other configuration to build the OS together with browser? It's not a problem for me whether CHROME_ORIGIN is LOCAL_SOURCE or from server. I simply want to build a image by myself. Thanks!

killmind commented 4 years ago

@fydeos-alpha Could you help, sir?

zdm110 commented 4 years ago

I encount the same problem.

yunshansimon commented 4 years ago

Remove CHROME_ORIGIN=LOCAL_SOURCE from make.conf will make it easier.

killmind commented 4 years ago

Removed CHROME_ORIGIN=LOCAL_SOURCE. It started to download source code from google server. But it did start to build without complicated configuation and syncing.

yunshansimon commented 4 years ago

@killmind what's your meaning of "build without complicated configuration and syncing"?

killmind commented 4 years ago

When you clone the repository of chrome brower locally, it seems you would need to run sync_chrome manually to that local copy. I'm still investigating it.

haiyanghaiyang commented 4 years ago

I think the guide should be integral with everything inside to avoid confusion for beginners. The raspberry_pi overy uses local source, which needs download chromium code first, and mount with cros_sdk.

To get chromium code

fetch --nohooks chromium

If it is broken, run this to continue or sync later.

gclient sync

There's problem to get WebRTC branch, and you may have to add this into ~/.gitconfig

[remote "origin"]
        fetch = +refs/branch-heads/*:refs/branch-heads/*

To sync with specific tag to match with raspbarry_pi overlay like r77, you need do this in chromium code, after first code syncing.

cd src
git checkout 77.0.3865.126
cd ..
gclient sync

After syncing, adding this line to end of .gclient in parent of src directory

target_os = ['chromeos']

Then you run cros_sdk to mount local chromium source code

cros_sdk --chrome-root ${chromium_path}

In cros_sdk environment, you could see chromium code mounted at /home/${your_account}/chrome_root directory. Then you can run build_packages or use "emerge-${BOARD} chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome" to build chromium.

fydeos-alpha commented 4 years ago

Instructions added to README. Thank you @haiyanghaiyang