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Raw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com
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Feature parity with browserlist (AND support) #6456

Open AndrewLeedham opened 2 years ago

AndrewLeedham commented 2 years ago

From what I can tell the Settings -> Browserset -> Add new set -> Import only supports a subset of browserslist queries, for example it does not support AND. I am wanting to do something like > 1% in US AND last 2 major versions. Is this something that could be supported, seems to me the subset is to support the wysiwyg interface with checkboxes etc, perhaps there can be an "advanced" just use this browserslist query option that ignores the interface and uses browserslist directly?

nlydv commented 1 year ago

Seconded. I'm also seeing the same and syntax behavior (or lack thereof, rather).

privatenumber commented 1 year ago

Comma-delimited browserslist doesn't seem supported either.

Passing in:

last 2 Chrome versions, last 2 Safari versions

shows alert:

Browser query not recognized: "last 2 Chrome versions, last 2 Safari versions"

Also would like a way to just paste the browserslist instead of a huge checkbox list. I would even go as far as having a button on the landing page. I think most website codebases have a browerslist file so it would be really convenient for people to know they can just paste it in.

rejas commented 8 months ago

Missing relative time ("last 2 years" instead of "since 2022") is the main pain point for us. Any info if this is something feasible or if help is needed @Fyrd ?

notpushkin commented 2 months ago

Perhaps a way around that would be to actually utilize browserslist and make the UI editor a front of that? (Then even if UI doesn't support a particular query, it can just fallback to a textarea).