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Raw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com
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Email updates when specific features are 'fully' supported #869

Open markbeekman opened 9 years ago

markbeekman commented 9 years ago

Hi Alexis,

I've sent you a tweet about this feature yesterday. But it would be really nice if visitors of caniuse.com could subscribe for email updates / notifications when features will be 'fully' supported. Lets say I would like to know when the JS API 'getUserMedia' will be supported on mobile Safari & Android. It would be nice if I could check these platforms on the feature page and subscribe. A really nice feature for your visitors! And you could use the email updates to send some ads and earn some money. Win win!

Good evening, Mark

franckl commented 9 years ago


wersimmon commented 8 years ago


LeaVerou commented 6 years ago

Nice idea, though "fully supported" is subjective.

laukstein commented 6 years ago

You might be able to atomize it after done #3463. Don't forget also about push notifications.

shorn commented 5 years ago

I found this issue because I wanted something similar; but I want an RSS feed of changes. I would be happy enough with this issue implemented as a "watch via email" feature though since I dislike email subscriptions so much that I've built a service to turn emails into RSS feed items.

I want to watch all (or at least major) changes for a specific feature - because as noted by others, my "supported enough that I'm willing to use it" is different from someone else's "fully supported".

I thought I'd add this comment to let people know about the workaround I'm using.

Scenario: I want to know when I can start using the new native lazy loading support.

So I bang that last URL into my RSS aggregator - and now I know when this feature gets any updates to its support.

It's a little convoluted, a little noisy, and a little bit of work to figure out what each commit means in terms of changing browser support. But it seems to work.

I do still think this might be a feature that might be worth polishing and adding to caniuse though. Maybe you can make it a feature for Patreon subscribers or something? (I won't ever use Patreon but I have no problem with you doing what you need to keep caniuse running)

janosh commented 4 years ago

This would be a great addition to caniuse.com. It's already excellent but email notifications when features receive wider support would take it to the next level!

proimage commented 2 months ago

This would be a killer feature. I'd love to be able to configure a notification for any of the features, for when its support goes above % (configurable), It would also be crucial to have a Notes field of some sort, to jot down info on which site/page/service was waiting for the specified feature to reach % support:

Hi [USER], You asked to be notified when global support for [FEATURE_NAME] reached ##%; that time has now come!

Here are the notes you left for this notification:

Site A - Work Page - Remove hacky work-around when this is supported
Site B - Ask client if 95% support is enough to finally launch feature XYZ

Of course, we'd need to be able to go and edit existing notifications after they were created, if for nothing else than editing the attached Note.