FyroxEngine / Fyrox

3D and 2D game engine written in Rust
MIT License
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Couldn't run 2D template on Arch #555

Closed henriquelalves closed 8 months ago

henriquelalves commented 8 months ago

I followed the Fyrox book setup instructions, but on cargo run --package editor --release I get the following error:

error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
   --> /home/peronio/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/fyrox-0.32.0/src/engine/mod.rs:356:36

I'm running the command on an Manjaro linux.

The full error log is here: https://gist.github.com/henriquelalves/ed2cb803bc3226f5a2690e129d241084

mrDIMAS commented 8 months ago

This is weird, because I ran CI before releasing stable 0.32 (https://github.com/FyroxEngine/Fyrox/actions/runs/6682129678/job/18156965554) and it was successful (aside from WASM, because there's rustc issue - https://github.com/FyroxEngine/Fyrox/issues/543). I double checked on my PC and it works fine as well.

Is your project is a new project generated by latest fyrox-template (0.9.1) with the engine version set to 0.32?

mrDIMAS commented 8 months ago

Try updating your compiler to the latest stable (1.73), by running rustup update. It should work on 1.72+, it seems that you have one of the previous versions (you can check it by rustc --version)

mrDIMAS commented 8 months ago

Alternatively, you can try to use the patch that I just released (0.32.1) by using cargo update in your project's root dir. It should fix the issue as well.

henriquelalves commented 8 months ago

rustup update was the solution! Sorry, I completely forgot I haven't been using Rust in a while, so probably it wasn't on the latest version. I think it's probably a good idea to add this information on the documentation though, but I'll be closing this issue!

mrDIMAS commented 8 months ago

I just set MSRV to 1.72 in the crates of the engine, so the compiler will tell you if you have outdated rustc version.