G-Core / terraform-provider-gcore

Gcore Terraform Provider
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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updating gcore_volume's image_id reports error #38

Open idy opened 1 year ago

idy commented 1 year ago

terraform version

Terraform v1.5.7
on darwin_arm64
+ provider registry.terraform.io/g-core/gcore v0.3.82

config file

terraform {
  required_providers {
    gcore = {
      source = "G-Core/gcore"

provider "gcore" {
  permanent_api_token = <API_TOKEN>

variable "gcore_project_id" {
  type    = number
  default =<PROJECT>

variable "gcore_regions" {
  type = list(string)
  default = [

variable "instances" {
  type = list(object({
    name        = string
    region      = string
    flavor_id   = string
    volumn_type = string
  default = [
      name        = "testing-lux-1"
      region      = "Luxembourg-2"
      flavor_id   = "g1-standard-2-4"
      volumn_type = "ssd_hiiops"

data "gcore_region" "region_ids" {
  for_each = toset(var.gcore_regions)
  name     = each.key

data "gcore_image" "ubuntu" {
  for_each = toset(var.gcore_regions)

  project_id = var.gcore_project_id
  region_id  = data.gcore_region.region_ids[each.key].id
  name       = "ubuntu-20.04-x64"

resource "gcore_reservedfixedip" "public" {
  for_each = {
    for instance in var.instances : instance.name => instance

  project_id = var.gcore_project_id
  region_id  = data.gcore_region.region_ids[each.value.region].id
  type       = "external"
  is_vip     = false

resource "gcore_volume" "system_volumns" {
  for_each = {
    for instance in var.instances : instance.name => instance

  project_id = var.gcore_project_id
  region_id  = data.gcore_region.region_ids[each.value.region].id
  name       = "System"
  type_name  = each.value.volumn_type
  size       = 20
  image_id   = data.gcore_image.ubuntu[each.value.region].id

resource "gcore_instance" "servers" {
  for_each = {
    for instance in var.instances : instance.name => instance

  project_id = var.gcore_project_id
  region_id  = data.gcore_region.region_ids[each.value.region].id
  name       = each.value.name
  flavor_id  = each.value.flavor_id

  volume {
    source     = "existing-volume"
    volume_id  = gcore_volume.system_volumns[each.key].id
    boot_index = 0
  interface {
    type    = "reserved_fixed_ip"
    port_id = gcore_reservedfixedip.public[each.key].port_id

reproduce steps

  1. run terraform apply with the above config file, it reports 3 resources created and everything is OK.
  2. change gcore_image to ubuntu-22.04-x64 and run terraform apply, then terraform will destroy 1 resource, create 1 resource and change 1 resource.

An error occurred while executing the terraform apply command.

gcore_volume.system_volumns["testing-lux-1"]: Destroying... [id=bc562b75-780d-4d0b-a2b4-5ce2eb70a754]

│ Error: task is in error state: ERROR. Error: Invalid volume: Volume  must not be migrating, attached, belong to a group, have snapshots or be disassociated from snapshots after volume transfer. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-6dc67ba9-28b8-48ac-b0f9-616852e5b9c1)
daragok commented 1 year ago

thank you for reporting the issue. We currently do not handle an image change correctly. Please re-create the instance with the new image ID in the boot volume as a workaround. We have a Bug in our backlog related to this issue, it will be resolved at some point in the future