Database of oscillation events, is able to automatically generate oscillation analysis reports
Primary Purpose
Identify system conditions when the power grid can be potentially “at risk” in terms of electromechanical oscillations
The oscillation analysis block will be based on algorithms built in the OBAT (e.g., Prony and Matrix Pencil). The OBAT maintains a database of oscillation events, is able to automatically generate oscillation analysis reports, and also has advanced visualization capabilities. One of the most important features of the OBAT is the capability to perform oscillation baselining.
Several statistical methods to correlate the output of oscillation analysis algorithms (frequency, damping ratio) with system condition parameters (e.g., power flows, angle pair difference) have been developed. Statistical analysis can help to extract signatures for different oscillatory conditions. Thus, the OBAT can help to identify system conditions when the power grid can be
potentially “at risk” in terms of electromechanical oscillations.
Mathematical Description
The OBAT has two built-in oscillation analysis methods: Prony (Trudnowski, Johnson, and Hauer 1999) and Matrix Pencil(Lou,
Quintero, and Venkatasubramanian 2007). The tool can also interact with external oscillation analysis solvers. A MATLAB-based analytical module utilizing the VARPRO method has been integrated into the tool(Borden and Lesieutre 2014).
Etingov, Pavel, et al. "Open-source suite for advanced synchrophasor analysis." 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D). IEEE, 2018.
Fan, Rui, et al. "Wide-area measurement-based modal decoupling for power system oscillation damping." Electric Power Systems Research 178 (2020): 106022.
Use Cases
Fan, Rui, et al. "Wide-area measurement-based modal decoupling for power system oscillation damping." Electric Power Systems Research 178 (2020): 106022.
Infrastructure Sector
[ ] Atmospheric dispersion
[ ] Agriculture
[ ] Biomass
[ ] Buildings
[X] Communications
[ ] Cooling
[ ] Ecosystems
[X] Electric
[ ] District heating
[ ] Forestry
[ ] Health
[ ] Hydrogen
[ ] Individual heating
[ ] Land use
[ ] Liquid fuels
[ ] Natural Gas
[ ] Transportation
[ ] Water
Represented Behavior
[ ] Earth Systems
[ ] Employment
[X] Built Infrastructure
[ ] Financial
[ ] Macro-economy
[ ] Micro-economy
[ ] Policy
[ ] Social
Modeling Paradigm
[X] Analytics
[X] Data
[ ] Discrete Simulation
[ ] Dynamic Simulation
[ ] Equilibrium
[ ] Engineering/Design
[ ] Optimization
[X] Visualization
No response
Programming Language
[ ] C – ISO/IEC 9899
[ ] C++ (C plus plus) – ISO/IEC 14882
[ ] C# (C sharp) – ISO/IEC 23270
[ ] Delphi
[ ] GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System)
[ ] Go
[ ] Haskell
[ ] Java
[ ] JavaScript(Scripting language)
[ ] Julia
[ ] Kotlin
[ ] LabVIEW
[ ] Lua
[ ] Modelica
[ ] Nim
[ ] Object Pascal
[ ] Octave
[ ] Pascal Script
[ ] Python
[ ] R
[ ] Rust
[ ] Simulink
[ ] Swift (Apple programming language)
[ ] WebAssembly
[ ] Zig
Required Dependencies
No response
What is the software tool's license?
Operating System Support
[ ] Windows
[ ] Mac OSX
[ ] Linux
[ ] iOS
[ ] Android
User Interface
[ ] Programmatic
[ ] Command line
[ ] Web based
[X] Graphical user
[ ] Menu driven
[ ] Form based
[ ] Natural language
Parallel Computing Paradigm
[ ] Multi-threaded computing
[ ] Multi-core computing
[ ] Distributed computing
[ ] Cluster computing
[ ] Massively parallel computing
[ ] Grid computing
[ ] Reconfigurable computing with field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA)
[ ] General-purpose computing on graphics processing units
[ ] Application-specific integrated circuits
[ ] Vector processors
What is the highest temporal resolution supported by the tool?
What is the typical temporal resolution supported by the tool?
What is the largest temporal scope supported by the tool?
What is the typical temporal scope supported by the tool?
What is the highest spatial resolution supported by the tool?
What is the typical spatial resolution supported by the tool?
What is the largest spatial scope supported by the tool?
Not Applicable
What is the typical spatial scope supported by the tool?
OBAT - Oscillation Baselining and Analysis Tool
Focus Topic
Database of oscillation events, is able to automatically generate oscillation analysis reports
Primary Purpose
Identify system conditions when the power grid can be potentially “at risk” in terms of electromechanical oscillations
The oscillation analysis block will be based on algorithms built in the OBAT (e.g., Prony and Matrix Pencil). The OBAT maintains a database of oscillation events, is able to automatically generate oscillation analysis reports, and also has advanced visualization capabilities. One of the most important features of the OBAT is the capability to perform oscillation baselining. Several statistical methods to correlate the output of oscillation analysis algorithms (frequency, damping ratio) with system condition parameters (e.g., power flows, angle pair difference) have been developed. Statistical analysis can help to extract signatures for different oscillatory conditions. Thus, the OBAT can help to identify system conditions when the power grid can be potentially “at risk” in terms of electromechanical oscillations.
Mathematical Description
The OBAT has two built-in oscillation analysis methods: Prony (Trudnowski, Johnson, and Hauer 1999) and Matrix Pencil(Lou, Quintero, and Venkatasubramanian 2007). The tool can also interact with external oscillation analysis solvers. A MATLAB-based analytical module utilizing the VARPRO method has been integrated into the tool(Borden and Lesieutre 2014).
Funding Source
No response
Publication List
Use Cases
Infrastructure Sector
Represented Behavior
Modeling Paradigm
No response
Programming Language
Required Dependencies
No response
What is the software tool's license?
Operating System Support
User Interface
Parallel Computing Paradigm
What is the highest temporal resolution supported by the tool?
What is the typical temporal resolution supported by the tool?
What is the largest temporal scope supported by the tool?
What is the typical temporal scope supported by the tool?
What is the highest spatial resolution supported by the tool?
What is the typical spatial resolution supported by the tool?
What is the largest spatial scope supported by the tool?
Not Applicable
What is the typical spatial scope supported by the tool?
Input Data Format
Input Data Description
No response
Output Data Format
Output Data Description
No response
Contact Details
Interface, Integration, and Linkage
No response