G-Two / smoke-x-receiver

An ESP32+LoRa application to bridge a ThermoWorks Smoke X remote thermometer to Home Assistant via MQTT
MIT License
12 stars 4 forks source link

Amazing work - question on MQTT #20

Open peterbarbosa opened 3 weeks ago

peterbarbosa commented 3 weeks ago

This is so amazing! Thank you for all the hard work and sharing this out with the community. I have a Smoke X4 and am excited I can use a device that doesn't need to use the cloud for my BBQ temp!

I have my ESP32 configured, and am on the last configuration step for MQTT. I don't have a CA cert setup on my MQTT broker. I only use basic username/password. When I put it in, it doesnt seem to be picked up by MQTT or HA.

Is there any way to use MQTT without a CA?

(Apologies I'm very new to this stuff).

On the MQTT tab, I currently have:

MQTT Broker URI: 192.168.x.xxx (IP to MQTT broker) Identity: (empty) Username: (shared login I use for other devices) Password: (shared login I use for other devices)

Remainder of fields are left as default/blank

Enable HA Device Discovery is toggled on

peterbarbosa commented 3 weeks ago

Nevermind, for the MQTT Broker URI, I was missing "mqtt://"

So it's now: mqtt://192.xxx.xx.xxx