G-dH / advanced-alttab-window-switcher

A highly customizable replacement for Gnome Shell's Alt-Tab window and app switchers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FEATURE] minizing an active window #110

Open JE-Amouel opened 5 days ago

JE-Amouel commented 5 days ago

Hi, Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. It turns out that to minimize an application window the path is a bit long, on the window switcher I have to click on the small menu and access the "hide" option, and on the application switcher even in the drop down menu I can't find the "hide" option and I have to go back to the window switcher, I searched in the hotkeys and mouse action's menu, and I found no minimize action.

Describe the solution you'd like it would be nice if the second primary click on a currently active window minimized the window, and also if possible an hotkeys to do the same in dock mode.

Describe alternatives you've considered in a slightly more global view, perhaps add a new action selector for the case where a window is active (focus), and in this menu we could choose actions among which we would find the minimize option Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.


G-dH commented 5 days ago

There is no such an option or hotkey. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to come up with this request. You can also use the Menu key to open the window's context menu and arrow keys or Tab to select the item.

JE-Amouel commented 5 days ago

I'm surprised it took this long for someone to come up with this request

oh really? I noticed this since I decided to use aatws fully and I hope to be able to replace dtp with aatws soon

I have already started writing desktop entries to emulate panel menus in the video, first it's arc menu which would be my application launcher, and second, it's pano, a clipboard manager with content preview.

in my desktop entries file, a use xdotool to emulate appropriate keybinding when i click icon, and finally i pin application's icons on aatws dock.

My progress

Screencast from 2024-06-27 23-51-41.webm

Desktop entries Arc menu

[Desktop Entry] Name=ArcMenu Icon=/home/jason/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/arcmenu@arcmenu.com/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/distro-gnome-symbolic.svg Exec=xdotool key Escape && sleep 0.5 && xdotool key shift+ctrl+alt+U Type=Application


[Desktop Entry] Name=Pano Icon=/home/jason/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/pano@elhan.io/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/legacy-indicator-symbolic.svg Exec=xdotool key Escape && sleep 0.5 && xdotool key shift+super+V Type=Application

G-dH commented 5 days ago

Nice, but CHC-E is faster as a controller for opening ArcMenu or Pano ;) Have you installed AATWS from this repository?

JE-Amouel commented 5 days ago

Nice, but CHC-E is faster as a controller for opening ArcMenu or Pano ;)

Yes totally, but the thing is that I want to be able to keep aatws as my main ally, the handling is so simple, quick and intuitive and..., I don't even have enough words to describe it. for the moment I use CHC-E to trigger arcmenu when I am in the window picker (V-shell) since it is not possible to use aatws in dock mode there , so I plan to now trigger the quick settings menu with CHC-E.

Screencast from 2024-06-28 00-44-54.webm

this :point_up_2: is CHC-E in window picker, that activate arcmenu.

Have you installed AATWS from this repository?


JE-Amouel commented 4 days ago

What do you think about it?

G-dH commented 4 days ago

I'll add it when I get to it.