G4lile0 / ESP32-WiFi-Hash-Monster

WiFi Hash Purple Monster, store EAPOL & PMKID packets in an SD CARD using a M5STACK / ESP32 device
MIT License
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Install onto SD Updater problems #23

Closed tonysoprano187 closed 3 years ago

tonysoprano187 commented 3 years ago

Hey, Im new to this and would like some advice in installing wifi hash monster onto my SD Updater instead of just burning the whole thing onto my M5Stack.... So i can use other applications.

Many Thanks

tobozo commented 3 years ago

@tonysoprano187 just modify this line in the .ino sketch :

checkSDUpdater( SD, MENU_BIN, 5000 ); 

And you'll get a 5 seconds delay to choose between loading the "menu.bin" default app or let the wifi hash monster go on with its duties.

tonysoprano187 commented 3 years ago

@tobozo thanks! .... I modified this and when I try to compile the sketch in arduino it brings up the error 'TFT_eSprite' does not name a type?

The error message is quite long, but can post it

tobozo commented 3 years ago

you may need to update your libraries from the Arduino IDE Library Manager, please update those:

also make sure you've selected "M5Stack", "M5Fire" or "M5Core2" from the boards menu before compiling

tonysoprano187 commented 3 years ago

@tobozo Amazing, thank you ... got it working after a few tries.